This is my favorite part. "Truly innovative business models don’t need to resort to old-fashioned law-breaking, and when Bitcoins, like any traditional currency, are laundered and used to fuel criminal activity, law enforcement has no choice but to act."
Prohibition: Creating innovative business models since the dawn of government.
Thanks, it was fun writing it because Preet Bharara is a egomaniacal butthole. He never did anything while in office that wasn't aimed at furthering his career. Governor Andrew Cuomo knew it and that got him continuously investigated. Even though no impropriety against Cuomo was ever discovered Bharara had no problem abusing his power to attempt to discredit his detractors.
Poor Charlie was the classic example of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm not excusing what happened at BitInstant, but with all of the massive mainstream evil being perpetrated by crooked New York banks during the economic collapse of 2009-2012 little fishy Charlie is the one he chose to jail. Bharara's priorities were more than a little self serving and pointless. I wonder if the stupid prick even realizes he was chasing the little exchange operator Charlie for a million bucks while the big exchange operator, Mark Karpeles, was about to screw people out of a half billion dollars.