Has it ever happened in the history of mankind that some entity provides the returns btc has and makes a dent on the amount of millionaires in the world? This is excluding early microsoft, amazon holders. Is it possible for the above to happen at a scale that BTC could probably produce if it hits its potential?
Are there certain mindsets of the rich that we as a community must cultivate if we are to prepare for an order of magnitude increase in our wealth? I'm afraid to think about the amount of reading, research I'd have to do and sleep I'd lose If I made that much money from BTC. What do you guys suggest as wise steps to take to prepare for this event, if it ever occurred?
A basic rule of life or death is that you care for yourself and just respect others rights (and defend your own). This is a long time care, which obviously would include support to the community, but that is entirely up to the individual.
Trade (and the underlying production) creates value by offering something to the next guy which he values higher. A prosperous community is one that respects individual rights, and where the rich can keep what they have, and are respected not just for their wealth, but for the wealth they have created for their customers.
So no, there is no further responsibility to others.