Just do what you have to do, like securing your wallet, securing your seeds and never store anything valuable like seeds on a PC or in the cloud which is vulnerable to hacking.
A properly airgapped computer shouldn't have the hardware components to connect to the internet. So, even if you wanted to store your seed in the cloud using that machine, you wouldn't be able to. If, on the other hand, you import that seed to a hot wallet, it stops being an airgapped cold storage.
Removing connectivity hardware is also a protection against yourself. If you have had your software wallet on your airgapped device for a few years and you feel it's time for an update, you might get lazy and say it doesn't hurt to connect my computer to the internet just once to update it directly on my machine. You can do that if you have the needed hardware. But if you don't, you can't.
Yes, if you disconnect your PC from the outer world then it will become air-gapped. According to the definition of an air gap device, it should not be connected to the outer world, directly or indirectly. So, you have to make that PC air-gapped but if you were using the same PC while connecting it to the internet then I prefer you to uninstall this window or maybe buy a new HDD or SDD but that's not compulsory.
It's not that common nowadays to find a PC that hasn't been regularly connected to the internet. Reinstalling the OS is therefore recommended regardless of how you used it in the past. The fact that you aren't going to connect a non-reformatted PC to the internet in the future isn't enough. You could have been infected with a clipboard malware, for example. It will be able to replace your copied address even without internet connection. So, don't do it.