DOGEcoin Something going to happen.
Statistics don't show any earthquake but look somewhere else.
What do you think?
For example look here freedoge.co.in
Well, doge token is a token with great technology and product, they have a real working product like some of their competitors do, but the competition of these coins has broken the monopoly of some of these coins, I remember when DOGE first came out, the hype was really much, though the hype was genuine because they really had use case, but unfortunately, many competitors also arose after then, and I guess that their competitive strength is not that string, so they have not been able to grow above their present limit.
I think they still have future though, I am sure many people still respect them, juts that newer investors. Users are not really looking at it again, like they look at some of the newer coins. So one can just have it for future and see where their fate gets them.