I've been through 4 of the major pools already and people are getting scammed left and right
- I'm mining at 3.2khs
fast-pool.com - really? 150khs less hashrate for SOME REASON on each miner and they don't know why? Gimme a break, their stealing khs from you somehow.
doge.Netcodepool.org - worked decent for the first half day, checking every hour. Then... suddenly I've been hashing for 4 hours, I'm watching blocks get solved and not a single share is credited to my account (unconfirmed) except for one block. They're counting on you not watching after the first day or so, blocks going bye bye and never crediting to you. Likely every other block or more. Unless you watch the blocks change you never notice...
doge.scryptpools.com - where to start- worked great for a day, until you stop watching, then no withdrawals. Just look up the thread and read all the angry posts from people whose doges were frozen indefinitely.
dogecoinpool.net - worked ok for awhile, admin was great and responded when I couldn't withdraw my doges, however blocks taking upwards of 40hours to solve. My profit 'should'' be around 70-90,000 doge/day, and I was seeing 15k due to the long blocks or other.
what a frenzy we're in for doges, literally admins running pools to rip miners off of $9 worth of doges... how damn desperate! Are these people in Nigeria or what? Why not rip off something in a store and sell it for $1,000 to a pawn shop and buy millions of doges? What's the damn deal for doing this and going to all this effort to rip miners off of $10 in doges? Seriously!
watch out- just about every pool will rip you off of your precious $10 or $20 in doges before you know it. How can any work get done this way?
solo mining. That's the only way.
Hey if you are in the USA our mining pool is out of NY. We use a P2Pool, so you get paid what you ACTUALLY mine and your not splitting your earnings with people who do nothing for the pool.
www.LocalMiner.com Browse around