Why not? Dogecoin is an enhanced Litecoin that has a meme story on top of it
A coin with no hardcap and billions of coins is a enhancement ? Jesus Christ wtf has this place become....
Ok, allow me to copy my own post from another thread, there you go, enjoy:
Parroting the 'emission limit' argument without actually understanding what it's about reveals lack of thought. It's not the emission limit per se that counts, it's predictability of emission that is important as opposed to unpredictable emission we can witness in fiat that crypto currency enthusiasts usually refer to. It's the unpredictable "at-central-banks'-whim" emission that leads to inflated prices of goods and rapidly depreciating currency.
Many people will be proven wrong on Dogecoin in the near future. They don't understand that Dogecoin simply shortcut the distance and jumped straight to year 2020 in Bitcoin's life when Bitcoin's yearly emission volume/total supply would also become similar to what Dogecoin is scheduled to have in the coming 3 months. Of course, PoS coins jump to that state at Genesis block, but because PoW enthusiasts do not like those, it's fine, I don't mention those. However, provided we try to stay objective, there is no justification not to see Bitcoin's future in what Dogecoin does now. If you bet on Dogecoin demise now, it means you bet on Bitcoin demise in 5 years.