
Topic: Dogecoin Automining (Read 122 times)

Activity: 204
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March 08, 2018, 11:46:18 AM
For you dogecoin lovers, now dogecoin you can get by way of mining. That is through a website
by investing bitcoin or dogecoin you will be able to mining dogecoin automatically (automining).  

Investment Packages:
Bronze Mining
Profit Mining 0.6% / day
Project Contract 365 days
$ 10 - $ 999

Silver Mining
Profit Mining 0.75% / day
Project Contract 365 days
$ 1000 - $ 9999

Gold mine
Profit Mining 1% / day
Project Contract 365 days
$ 10000 - $ 99999

Refferal Program:
8% Unlimited Reff

Paired Programs:
4% Up to 5 pairs / day

Reward Program:
Up to $ 10000
From Network Turnaround
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