Something is wrong at Coins-E, I used to be a happy user, but the last couple of weeks has been a nightmare. Extreme slow deposits, missing transactions etc.
This is my current deposit at Coins-E: . Look at the balance, they haven't redeemed any of the coins that I've sent.
Even if I manually try to track my transaction id, I just get a message box informing me that I should contact Coins-E support.
I understand that unforeseen things can happen if the fork is changed, but why the hell was it changed without any notice
- and why isn't it fixed yet?
Unfortunately I can't rollback the transactions, so my coins are lost if Coins-E doesn't wake up.
NB: As my loss to Coins-E isn't enough I lost around 102.000 in a doge pool caused by that fork.
This whole fork mess has costed my around 300.000 coins, which I don't think is particular funny, I still have my electrical bill to pay.
I will occasionally bump this thread, until Coins-E get their stuff and obligations cleared up. I hope I thereby can warn other people for the same frustration as I have.
It could be interesting if other fellow miners could post their findings related to Coins-E and Doges, let us keep this thread clean and hold it until Coins-E has fulfilled their promises for a serious exchange service.