Just wondering, what do you guys think?
The price for this coin will rise or not?
Today value: 1000 dogecoins=0,1731USD
Hype and popularity are Dogecoins keys for success.
And to give credit where credit is due Dogecoin has had amazing support from before launch that has dominated sites like Reddit, why...That's beyond me, but it has and continues to do so.
Too many coins constantly being created forever will eventually drive the price into the ground, the hype will wear out and core fundamentals will prevail as usual.
There will be something new on the HYPE, maybe try and catch that boat, just don't be the behind the last person to get into the lifeboat when it capsizes too.
"Too many coins constantly being created forever will eventually drive the price into the ground, the hype will wear out and core fundamentals will prevail as usual."
Currency supply:
Dogecoin and bitcoin estimated inflation rate for the next 10 years.
2015: Bitcoin: 10.00% | Dogecoin: 5.20%
2016: Bitcoin: 9.09% | Dogecoin: 4.94%
2017: Bitcoin: 4.17% | Dogecoin: 4.71%
2018: Bitcoin: 4.00% | Dogecoin: 4.50%
2019: Bitcoin: 3.85% | Dogecoin: 4.30%
2020: Bitcoin: 3.70% | Dogecoin: 4.13%
2021: Bitcoin: 1.79% | Dogecoin: 3.96%
2022: Bitcoin: 1.75% | Dogecoin: 3.81%
2023: Bitcoin: 1.72% | Dogecoin: 3.67%
2024: Bitcoin: 1.69% | Dogecoin: 3.54%
“The goal for the currency is to keep approximately 100 billion coins in circulation - thus after 100 billion Dogecoins are created, rewards will continue at 10k each block. This will help maintain mining and stabilize the number of coins in circulation (considering lost wallets and various other ways coins may be destroyed) at 100 billion.”