Hello, everyone! I'm here to introduce you to an amazing Meme Token on Solana, which was recently taken over by the community. I strongly believe there is a lot of potential here to be realized; we just need to reignite the hype around it with your help. Everyone is welcome to join in, so let's start working for our bags!
IntroductionI knew this dog was in the pool.
I had my doubts at first but In hindsight it was obvious really but still for some reason I questioned it in the beginning.
He was wet, surrounded by a liquid substance known as water, he was wearing goggles in order to see under said water.
Upon an inflatable pool toy the dog sat, which is a common for dogs to use while in pools.
After hours of thorough research and self reflection, I've come to the conclusion the dog is definetely in the pool.
About the $DIP ?The canine is swimming in the pool.
A dog finds itself inside the pool.
In the pool, there is a dog.
The pooch is lounging in the pool.
A hound is present in the pool.
Within the pool, a dog is situated.
The dog occupies the space in the pool.
A dog is currently in the midst of the pool.
The pool contains a dog.
The swimming pool is where the dog is.
Why did the DEVS left and did they Rugged ?In fact, they didn't rug us; they owned 10% of the supply, from which a large portion of the tokens was spent on raiding competitions, and so forth.
They reserved 2% of the supply for themselves.
Additionally, 4% of the supply was distributed to the mods who assisted them (they are now part of the community takeover and have created a multisig wallet where they've placed these tokens). They have burned approximately 2% of the supply, which was allocated for competitions
What are the Tokenomics ?Max supply was 1b but currently they are 962,129,232. tokens in circulation, the missing ones are burned.
There is 0 Tax on Buy / Sell
Chain: Solana
Liquidity: Burned
This the Dog Inth Poolhttps://static.wixstatic.com/media/580c56_1dd6f043f83b424ca48c6245fe664c52~mv2.gifhttps://static.wixstatic.com/media/580c56_49dda0abe3b8458eac1e1099fb2f1c0e~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_474,h_321,fp_0.50_0.42,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/twitter-pic-jack-grealish-finishes-735573622.pngThere is allot more Images and Memes in the $DIP Meme Pool!
- Some Links:
- Website:
https://www.doginthpool.org/- AVI Maker:
https://www.doginthpool.org/avi (from here you can put goggles on to protect you from diving inth pool!
- Twitter:
https://twitter.com/doginthpool- Telegram:
https://t.me/doginthpool- DexScreener:
https://dexscreener.com/solana/3XxvmED354933DwSPJuzB7SE9uiWpD1ErydDuhmbFRMk- Current Marketcap: 22k / 10k Liquidity (Locked and Burned)
- $DIP Meme Pool: