Bitcoin is on the rise, cryptocurrency market is bullish, many are happy and excited speaking about wins but I want to remind you not to be swayed by all these wins, thereby sharing yours in public and then people having eyes on you.
Most people who are actually engaging you in discussions aren't your fellow investors neither are they having those discussions with you on a positive note, some of them are informants sent by kidnappers or robbers as the case may be to track those that could be possible victims for robbery, so it is paramount we keep our mouths shut and release only the most limited or no information about ourselves when in a public setting.
Remember, our economy is on a downhill, things are hard, December is already here and this means the rate of robbery and crimes as a whole, will increase, be highly cautious.
Nobody would target you if you learn how to keep your mouth shut, especially when you are drunk. Most people are talkative when they are drunk. maybe you should apply moderation for the sake of your safety.
I don't really need to speak much about others like not your key, not your coin, since we ought to be familiar with this already, but here are some others:
- Don't because of show-off go for second-hand devices, especially when you know you will be having your coins on that devices.
- Don't because of FOMO invest in any altcoins and also be cautious in the amount you invest now, don't go all out on cryptocurrency, remember it's volatile.
- Never ignore security measures for coins and stay safe.
Second hand phones is a serious security threat especially when it has to do with banking activities, reason being that some of these phones are hacked before they are sold and if you are not careful, all your banking details and wallet logins would be stolen by these scammers and you would be left empty handed. A good example is one of my friends that bought a second hand phone for his wife earlier this year, he installed his a new wallet into it with the intention of saving some funds there but he noticed that anytime he copies the wallet address, it is changed on clipboard, when he pastes it on whatssap to pick it up with the other device and send funds, he notices that what got pasted is different from what was copied, hence he suspected that the phone is already compromised. If he was not careful, he would've lost lots of funds in the process.
Secondly, secondhand gadgets especially handsets can land someone into serious trouble since most of those phones are likely stolen and resold to unsuspecting individuals and when the phone is found in your hands, you would be in deep shit, and regrets follow suit after mistakes. If you can this period, avoid second hand devices because boys are active now nabbing and reselling stolen items.