E thereum, the "World Computer" That May Power the Future
E thereum launched a public crowdsale. In 42 days, E thereum collected almost 32,000 uᴉoɔʇᴉq — equivalent to about $18.5 million USD.
This week in New York City, the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation is hosting the 2016 Blockchain Symposium. There, attendees will hear from top dogs at IBM, Barclays, Goldman Sachs, Nasdaq, and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
IBM and Samsung have already teamed up to put E thereum into practice. Together, they made a washing machine that can reorder detergent when the supply is low, call a repairman when it malfunctions, and even do laundry when the electricity is cheapest. R3, a financial consortium, is also running several experiments with E thereum.
Uber collects a significant percentage of every transaction, for instance — and often to the detriment of the driver. With E thereum, these collections could be eliminated via smart contracts,” or “decentralized apps.” These so-called DApps are already impressive in number. We’ll keep up with these decentralized apps as they get more and more exciting in the days and months to come.
E thereum has been blocked from this forum, try to post e thereum without the space............
Let's try this again..
I read your topic title and first thing i thought was WHY in gods name did he need another one of these posted?
Hasn't this been posted to death already?
And on the topic at hand.. its not a currency anyway so uhhh.
"more than" ?
How about it's not a currency but SOMETHING else.
You are SPINNING thing like crazy and it's dishonest.
ETH's own supporters have said for ages it's not a currency and it clearly is NOT!
Your clever scammy angle is to use the word "more" as in "more than"
As in implying or inferring it -IS- a "currency" and much more..
Saying in other words it's BITCOIN plus so much more needed advancements in features.
implying it has the ability to take over for Bitcoin when it simply can NOT!)
Half the people here would not agree with that sentiment.
I don't have too much more to say other than that unless you want to wrap me up in more games & crying Troll.
But i would like to see what other people say about this topic.
You should probably brace yourself for a backlash though,
because i have a feeling even ETH supporters are getting sick of seeing these topic(s) re-posted so much.
And yeah it was cute how 2 accounts here both did not "get the joke" and both have a similar posting style.
All i see is you twisting things around with semantics & verbal gymnastics
then when your called out on it your crying Troll.. classic LOL