So upon reading some messages on telegram and something took my attention. I have searched about it to gather info and found out that this has been discussed before, and it's all about being a scam site. There's already a previous thread where they have discussed this issue. Here's the link to that topic if you want to see more opinions about Uplibra:
Thread: It was posted last year yet up until now, there are still people who fall for this scam. Maybe they are not aware of it so this thread might somehow help you.
Screenshot#1Translation:Ejay Daban: Does Libra has a future?
Dominic |: +1
Phantom| CM: It's a billion-dollar company.
Ejay Daban: I only have 11 (LIBRA).
Phantom| CM: Mark Zuckerberg
Phantom| CM: It's a scam libra
Screenshot#2Screenshot#3Ejay Daban: is this the official twitter of libra? Or is it fake?
Ejay Daban: But why there are some who asked us to invest?
Ejay Daban: Mark Zuckerberg
Ejay Daban: They should have just invested on their own?
Centralized and Decentralized Idea: That's fake.
Here's a screenshot of my telegram where one member of our group chat asked about libra because he thought Uplibra is a legit one. It is said that it was just a fake Libra and even the twitter account is not official at all.
When you go to their so-called official website, you can sign up using your Facebook account which is very risky. You can also get your free Libra as a welcome bonus, claiming a bonus, loyal bonus, affiliate, and app bonus. (You can find this info on their website). It looks so good that people easily give their trust and for the fact that the name Libra is already known by most of us.
With the free 1,000,000 Libra they are promoting, their own site, a twitter account with over thousands of followers, and a Facebook page, no wonder why people are believing in Uplibra. However, their team already said that they are not connected to the Facebook team and that it is not an official product of Facebook Libra, so how come people still believe in this project? Since I have made short research, seeing how many people are commenting on their tweets show that they are good at convincing people.
This is the reason why I created this thread, it's to inform everyone, especially newbies that we should always be careful when trusting different projects. Sometimes it looks so real and legit but will end up being a scam project so we really need to be cautious.