since you're using bitcoind, something like this should work in your case:
bitcoin-cli createrawtransaction "[{\"txid\":\"91c9c046afda04186be488f784e7e0619b5f9eae3974a9951411b78af421f9dd\",\"vout\":1}, {\"txid\":\"72816bed825f0f488003949901fa7275887991abe8e7983a1117cd1e62114ec1\",\"vout\":2},{\"txid\":\"b0a61e7842b556ced310357aabb7df7ed88097e09d6fd6b25efccb413e189bf4\",\"vout\":0}]" "{\"188DN1tYGQsUbGgXuKmhuo8ATd5T4npsvs\":0.11679356}"
This should create a raw, unsigned transaction using the listed inputs (the 3 tx-ids, and which output of the txid has to be used as an input) to create an output of 0.11679356 to 188DN1tYGQsUbGgXuKmhuo8ATd5T4npsvs.
The sum of inputs - the sum of the outputs = the fee... Do your calculations to select an appropriate fee this time!
(in*180 + out*34 + 10 plus or minus 'in') * recommanded fee
(3 * 180 + 1* 34 + 10) * 100 = 58400 satoshi's = 0.000584
BTCinputs => 0.11437916 + 0.0025 + 0.0003144 = 0.11719356
inputs - fee = 0.11719356 - 0.000584 = 0.11661356
so if you'd create an output of 0.1166 just to be sure, you should be ok
bitcoin-cli createrawtransaction "[{\"txid\":\"91c9c046afda04186be488f784e7e0619b5f9eae3974a9951411b78af421f9dd\",\"vout\":1}, {\"txid\":\"72816bed825f0f488003949901fa7275887991abe8e7983a1117cd1e62114ec1\",\"vout\":2},{\"txid\":\"b0a61e7842b556ced310357aabb7df7ed88097e09d6fd6b25efccb413e189bf4\",\"vout\":0}]" "{\"188DN1tYGQsUbGgXuKmhuo8ATd5T4npsvs\":0.1166}"
results in
Afterwards, you can use bitcoin-cli to sign the raw transaction.
(bitcoin-cli signrawtransaction HEX)
Do your homework and doublecheck my inputs/output, decode the hex and make sure you agree with the unsigned hex before even attempting to sign it!!!!!!!!!!!!