This is your first post, and you are using an extremely suspicious auto-buy link, which are both red-flags. I would suggest that anybody interested in what OP claims to offer reads this thread : , by EcuaMobi that warns of this kind of behavior. You are most likely going to receive nothing.
Plus, there are contradictions in the sales pitch we are receiving from OP. The title claims 100% win, yet there are known problems with every single strategy that has been listed and unless you have endless capital you will find yourself on the raw end of things. You are betting off manually placing your bets, because this is not going to end well for you. They are claiming there are bound to be bugs within the script, and this gives me pause, because I am wondering how extensively this has even been tested. There are so many red-flags and problems that I see within this sales pitch that I would advise everyone to steer clear.