I finally got my ETH, their only response was "It was a human error, we corrected the issue". No explanation as to why they ignored me for so long, no explanation as to why they moved my eth around, just closed all my tickets with the same response.
It only took 6 days, 5 tickets on DoveWallet, 1 email to "
[email protected]", and 2 postings on this forum to get their attention.
I joined because of their DAILY rewards for crypto. I use BlockFi for Monthly % but you gotta keep your funds on the acct for the entire mo so if you pull out early then EVERYTHING is gone for the % accrued.
I can see now that this was a big mistake, thanks again for everyone's input.
That's good although that's a long process that you've taken from them and now that you've taken your ETH from them, there's no other reason for you to re-use them.
Just avoid using unknown and unpopular wallets. You have plenty of choices for wallets why settle for an unknown one. Use that as a lesson if you don't want to feel disappointed and bad as you think that your funds might be lost already.
And that's the consequence too for getting with those rewards or interests as they really require you to hold it on their chosen wallet. If you're into rewards like that, there are better wallets where you'll have no trouble using them while receiving rewards like the ones supported by Ledger.