The instructions I got:
"As the machine does not open interface for overclocking settings, you need modify the cgminer parameters listed in /boot/www/index.php, it is said that the hash rate could up to 1.2T with the sufficient power supply after overclocking. We are working on that to evaluate whether it is possible"
1.2Th is impossible and the reason why you got no instructions on how to overclock the Dragon units is because it will go up in smoke if you push it (Cheap-ass components)
This is on your own risk: (aka hardcore miner mode)How to overclock a Dragon 1Th unit:Turn it off, then on again.
SSH into the pi
Locate the CGminer folder
Create a .sh , name it to whatever you want (nano <-- just a example)
sudo ./cgminer -o "1" -u 2 -p bac --no-submit-stale --tempCut 70 --real-quiet --queue 1 --cs 9 --stmcu 0 --diff 5 --api-listen --api-network --A1Pll 800
1: Keep the ", add pool adress
2: Wallet or Username, depends on which pool you use
800: Default clocksetting, you can push it to 850Mhz but no more.
Save the file
Now you need to install screen for the pi, to keep the resource running even when you logout of the pi.
sudo apt-get install screen
screen bash
Now you´re in screen
Locate the CGminer folder
Now you need to run the .sh
Press CTRL + A + D to close screen
You´re still connected to the pi via SSH.
Now you´re not connected to the pi anymore and your Dragon is running the chips in overclocked mode.
Don´t connect to the web frontend! (If you do, you need to start over from step 1 again)
Check your hash status via the pool.
If you got the 32 chip version it´s already clocked to 900Mhz (Instead of more chips they used a little more expensive components to handle the over clock, but saved a bunch of money since the A1 is more expensive).
Add blades instead.If you got the 40 chip version you can push it to 850Mhz as long as the unit is in a cold room. The 850Mhz setting makes the Dragon pull 1000-1100 watt, so don´t expect the stock PSU to survive to long (unless you got the 2x650w psu version) but should give you 50-100Ghz more to play with.
If you turn off the unit or experience power outtake, just start screen on the pi and run the .sh again and you´re back on over clocked chips again.
Better software for these units would be awesome. Mine has been a pain in the ass to get working.
Edit: Sorry, I just read about that today. Address removed.