About two weeks ago at my workplace, a colleague with amiable potentials who lives a prestige life was served a sack letter which was uncalled-for. We all know the consequences if you can't bend to the Wills of your boss nomatter how professionally and excellent you are in delivering your job tasks.
So this colleague felt intimidated by the Boss after telling him that he would never be opportuned to find such appreciable job again and that he would stay jobless with the rest of his life unless he would be ready doing one of the hardened labour jobs.
Then this colleague was unable to accept the fact and just walk away so, he was pushed to telling the employer (the boss) that he has over $20K worth of Bitcoin and infact, Bitcoin is his major hustle and he even earns less in the f*** job that makes the d*** headed boss special.
This communicable challenges between both of them happened before the other employees opted everyone to kept mute as surprising expressions of them aftering hearing the sacked employee has such an hidden and attractive asset and yet living such a humble life all this while.
4 days ago he was kidnaped and was asked to pay a ransom of $12K through Bitcoin transaction.
This must be a resultant of him revealing what was meant to be kept secret a secret because he was angrily pushed to talk beyond his boundary.