Provide you already upgraded 18 GB dropbox account
SERVICE #1: (Need your dropbox referral link)
Upgrade your existing account through referrals, each referral adds 0.5 GB to your account and you can get up to 16 GB (initial 2GB + 16GB bonus). All referrals will be finished in two weeks. You need to send me your referral link for upgrade your existing account.
Upgrading is a slow process and will take around 1-2 weeks.
In order to control the risk and secure the space you earned, we will gradually process it.
during this time you can still use your account as normal as usual.
New Dropbox with already upgraded to 18 GB through official referral bonus. You will receive your login information no later than 12 hours. The login name, email and password can be modified.
Contact me for details.