This will be successful IF the Government can really imprison and kill the Rich People who are behind in this Drug activities.
Can this administration do it? For the whole year of this campaign the answer is a NO, I hope for the following year
President Duterte can do this.
Exactly, I am not being negative here but i am just being a realistic.
I hope government will also find ways to create more jobs for the poor Filipinos.
There are many big people behind in the Drug Activity Industry, and President Duterte thinks that it can be easily solved?NO.
There is money in Drugs, don't expect that it will die down that easy.
The summary of people who died on this activity is either POOR or innocent (the rich can't be killed lol)
It will never be successful. In order for a country to be drug free, every citizen needs to be against its use. As long as there is ANY demand for drugs, and there will be, there will be an opportunity for profit. As always, there will be some people that will seize this opportunity and become a supplier for the financial rewards that come with it. If you think you can kill the supplier, then another supplier will take the last one's place. And that will go on forever. Don't you find it odd that the countries that fight the "drug war" the most, have the largest drug cartels? A drug cartel cannot exist, unless strict prohibition exists. As soon as you legalize drugs, the drug cartels lose their opportunity. Unfortunately most people don't understand this very basic concept.
I think it's still possible though, but it may take a long time before it can happen, i hope Mr.President will not only focus on Drugs but Focus on the Philippines as a whole
Before thinking that it is possible, you should look into past attempts of drug prohibition in other countries over the last century. The only success I have seen is an approach where you become liberal with recreational use of drugs. Take Holland for example, you can walk into a shop in Amsterdam and buy cannabis or psilocybin mushrooms from a menu. You know that the product is regulated with quality control, and that you don't have to worry about "getting caught". Amsterdam doesn't have a drug problem. In fact it is maybe the friendliest city I've been to, and I've done a decent amount of traveling. And this isn't surprising, but their population has a very good understanding of drugs, because they haven't been fed a bunch of bullshit and fear mongering propaganda to manipulate the population. From this thread alone, it's very easy to see that the Filipino posts are incredibly misinformed about the classes and effects of different substances. They haven't been taught obviously, and evidently they haven't done their own research, nor do they care to.
On the other hand, you can look at America, who got really "tough" with drugs. Remember Nixon coming up with "public enemy #1" as drugs in 1970? Now that approach of not understanding much about drugs, and getting really tough, was an absolute failure. Their prisons are overflowing and yet, they haven't solved their drug problem yet. In fact the problem has gotten worse.
So ask yourself what is the Philippines doing differently that is going to allow it to succeed in this endeavor. And the answer is they're not doing anything differently. Dealing with drugs is not something the government or the police have the capability to deal with. It is a medical issue and must be dealt with by people in the medical field. You will never solve psychological or medical issues with force.