ALCOHOL is legal why isn't everyone a drunk a piss head a alcoholic ?..
Make alcohol illegal and see what happens..The USA knows what happens..
If people have free choice of the drugs they take they probably never take the hard ones that would be highly
It's the lack of free choice why people will use what ever cheap drug they can find
They will snort smoke inject anything that floats on the street..
GLUE GAS PETROL..All will get poor people stoned and they do use it..
So how do you stop people from basically getting HIGH?..
So your war on drugs is BULLSHIT and a waste of peoples taxes
Amsterdam legalise weed ..Less bad drug addicts than countries who ban drugs..
prostitution legal in Amsterdam..
Young girls have less babies and do well in school than countries who ban prostitution..
If it's legal to get high people can talk more about the dangers and have more self control over what ever they do and take..
If you think that war on drugs in the Philippines is a BULLSHIT and you think legalize drugs is a better way to solved drugs just do it in you country just start protesting to your country not in my country dude.
It's not your country it's mine i own your ass
Your war on drugs is BULLSHIT..It creates new drugs like spice..
New ways of getting high new invented drugs.
Go and ask mexico even they say it will never ever stop..
To much money involved..
Easy to pay people because most people have got a price..
Money makes your world go around..No money life is SHIT..
He is that stupid he needs to learn how to use your people how to build roads and motorways.
Once the roads and motorways are built the homes and shops and cities can be built off the roads and motorways..
Now why kill them?. instead of using the addicts to do labouring jobs and build your country?..
FREE FUCKING LABOUR..And then after all the hard work they put in building your country let them go after 3 years hard labour.. big dealers 10 years hard labour..
Your leader come from a family who's mother was a teacher..
If he was from a poor family with no chance of an education i wonder what life he would be leading?..
Your president as no idea..He as just judged them all as scum..
A thief scum..A drug taker scum..Now it sounds like if your not up to his standards you should be shot..
When someone had a poor life then let him judge others who are poor..WHY you ask?..
Because his mind will not know what goes on with a poor persons mind..
The stress the worry ..Your president has no idea..His answer is to kill scum..
Philippine bid to jail nine-year-olds is 'a great child violation', Unicef says
the president’s war on drugs, in which thousands of suspected drug dealers but also alleged addicts, have been shot dead. Children, too, have been killed..
Enjoy your shit tip jobs..Who wants to trade with a child killer..He is crazy.
I can see civil war soon in your country..People who support him and people who don't will soon clash.
And well more poor than your rich..
So the shit will hit the fan..
The army in then dictatorship LOCK DOWN..
Then after so many years of lock down the people will go crazy and ATTACK..
Then your country will be turned to SHIT 1000 times worse than it's ever been..
You show your own children respect then they will grow up with respect..
How do you show children respect if they are on the street?..
So until you sort your countries child poverty out ..How dare you fucking kill the children scum bags..
Give children a chance in life and they wont grow up to be scum bags
Grow good children they become good flowers..
If he went only after the top drug dealers then he get more respect..
But he goes after the poor children..
when it's the top dudes putting that shit on the streets..
But it's the top dudes who pay the police judges army..
The dealers are getting the children to do the drop offs and the children are getting the blame..
Only poor children..
Soon you will be crying you put him in power..