‼️Ezil is set to close down mining pool segment! Dear miners,
We regret to inform you that our team has made a decision to shut down @ezil_me
mining pool and seize its operations on 25 March 2024 (12:00 PM UTC)⛏️⚙️‼️
Please read the full thread 👇🏻
had a huge negative impact on the cryptomining market and practically destroyed mining on video cards, which is now hardly profitable. We tried to remain optimistic and put a lot of effort into market research, exploring various opportunities for GPU miners after the merger. But unfortunately, there are no alternatives that can compete with the market size of Ethereum.
Given current market conditions, it is becoming increasingly difficult for us to remain profitable and continue to invest in the further development of our mining pool, especially when the future of GPU mining itself remains very uncertain. The founders of Ezil had to admit that it was time to move on and pursue other endeavors, such as testing innovative protocols and blockchains.
This is the end of an era for our entire team.
Ezil has been a top tier Ethereum mining pool for many years. Our team has grown from a few people to a large team distributed throughout the world. We are proud of our achievements as we have always strived to provide you with the best profitability and services in the market. But we have to face reality and admit that GPU mining is becoming obsolete.
Thank you for being with us for the last 5 years 💙
We will do our best to process all payments and support requests in a timely manner.
Ezil Team
This statement makes no sense - "But we have to face reality and admit that GPU mining is becoming obsolete." ehm dudes most of your coins are mineable by ASIC´s so what a shit they write. Sorry but can someone explain it? I mean Mining become more and more profitable over the last months and they say it is not worth anymore? Here is something strange going on.