1st with a 54.17x ROI - roycilik!
2nd with a 48.12x ROI - Harkorede!
3rd with a 34.75x ROI - Dread Pirate Roberts!
4th with a 8.6x ROI - Go No Yu!
5th with a 7.3x ROI - Yushikarokun!
6th with a 6.8x ROI - WikiCrypto!
7th with a 3.82x ROI - Hustler1984!
8th with a 2.24x ROI - mu_enrico!
9th with a 1.95x ROI - BitcoinHunt3r!
10th with a 1.8x ROI - Maddd!
11th with a 1.62x ROI - Minho++!
12th with a 1.2x ROI - japones!
Thank you all for taking part in this! I'll move around the prizes a bit to make this more fair, stay tuned and I'll catch you in the next one