#btc1 and btc2 combined
alias btcgrep="grep -Ee '\b[13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34}\b' -e '\bbc(0([ac-hj-np-z02-9]{39}|[ac-hj-np-z02-9]{59})|1[ac-hj-np-z02-9]{8,87})\b'"
#legacy addresses only
alias btcgrep1="grep -E '\b[13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34}\b'"
#bech32 v1 and v0 addresses
alias btcgrep2="grep -E '\bbc(0([ac-hj-np-z02-9]{39}|[ac-hj-np-z02-9]{59})|1[ac-hj-np-z02-9]{8,87})\b'"
#bech32 addresses only
alias btcgrep3="grep -E '\bbc1[ac-hj-np-zAC-HJ-NP-Z02-9]{11,71}\b'"
#both legacy and bech32
alias btcgrep4="grep -E '\b([13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34}|bc1[ac-hj-np-zAC-HJ-NP-Z02-9]{11,71})\b'"
#private keys
alias btcgrep5="grep -E '\b[5KL][1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{50,51}\b'"
#word boundary: '\b'
#transaction hashes
alias btcgrep6="grep -E '\b[a-fA-F0-9]{64}\b'"
#block hashes
alias btcgrep7="grep -E '\b[0]{8}[a-fA-F0-9]{56}\b'"
Flag -w is 'word bondary' and can also be set within the regex with '\b' at the ends.
I'd start with this:
- Bitcoin_addresses_LATEST.txt: the extracted latest version downloaded from addresses.loyce.club.
- mylist.txt: your own list of addresses, one address per line.