I sent some BTC to myself and the address came up n/a.
Then I sent some BTC (which is locked up for a while unconfirmed) and I can see what the receiving address is from the n/a but it's not in my list on my wallet so I figure it's one of my 100?
Can I just dump all hidden addresses somehow to get that private address, or can I just hit make new address until it shows?
Since you're sending to yourself, bitcoin Core thinks it is "change"
What you are seeing is a "change address". When you send an amount that is less than you originally received, it sends the whole amount, and returns the difference to your wallet as "change". This change may not be spendable until the transaction is confirmed. The change address is different each time, which makes it harder for a third party to tell for sure how much is sent to which wallet. If you are not interested in privacy, you can use a different wallet (such as Electrum) which has an option to not use change addresses -- in that case the change would go back to your original address instead of to a new change address.
walletpassphrase 600 dumporivkey "Receivingadress"
// To get the receiving adress, use "listaddressgroupings" and it should list all of the adresses on which it could possibly be stored -- the "change"
Or, bitcoind listaddressgroupings