for instance 1EHNa6Q4Jz2uvNExL497mE43ikXhwF6kZm has seen a few transactions (its empty now), can anyone hazard it's private key?
And we have a winner !!
But seriously folks, choosing a raw 32 byte private key is not the safest way to secure your funds, though it might be fun to write a script to scan some of the more obvious ones (eg DEADBEEF... has also been used in the past). Not an original idea I guess, so don't expect to find a pot of free bitgold waiting for you.
And YAY!, my public-private wallet finally has some funds, someone sent me some dust!!
EDIT And somebody decided to play my little game !!
Transaction? Block? Amount? Type? From/To? Balance?
3dd5d3c4e5... Block 241006 (2013-06-11 23:46:54) 0.0045 Received: Address 1mqt2xi48a7ihy691cn6grt6d91eesz5e 0.00450126
491b625b7d... Block 241006 (2013-06-11 23:46:54) 0.0045 Sent: Address 18KgkvDCWgMyB9wwRVRnSKW57sosv2YQWN 0.00000126