Firstly, the DxBuck platform is built on the Binance Smart Chain, which is one of the most advanced and secure blockchain platforms available. By utilizing this cutting-edge technology, the DxBuck platform is able to offer its users unparalleled security and reliability, which is a crucial factor for investors who want to protect their assets.
Yes, so does many other investing-crowdfunding-platforms.
This too. They promised a very tight selection and only select few based on certain criteria. IIRC one or two even claimed that after that phase, the candidates would fight for vote by the group of investors and only handfull will go with the funds.
I am sure if I'm not too lazy, I can dig one or two whitepaper from the pile of projects in the past that's collecting dust on my download folder, but I don't think that's necessary as I am quite sure all of us can agree that these two points are very common on many projects who proposed the same idea.
Now, this is what I called unique. Let's say someone propose an idea of creating an immortality capsule, or a time-space bending portal, or something that's way more realistic as it's already proposed and developed, an affordable AI imbued contact lens. These projects certainly meets your criteria of potential, most promising and very less likely to not succeeding --who wouldn't buy an immortality, and with the proper team, it's not impossible to create that very affordable AI contact lens?-- if... they can be developed.
You'll provide experts to help develop this idea? What if the idea is to travel to Jupiter? We all know there are space-travel project these days, so with proper rocket scientist, human biologist, anatomy-somehing specialist, and whatever team needed to give birth to this idea, it's not impossible at all. You'll try to outsource these team too?
Speaking of team, I noticed that question is left unanswered.
Snipped, irrelevant.