
Topic: E-mail spam from the Trumpsteins (Read 671 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
January 22, 2021, 02:32:52 PM
^^^ I agree with you on this idea that Trump had a double side to him, without even really knowing it. And I don't mean his silly twittering. Trump did an absolutely good job in the path of bringing jobs back to America, and making America strong again.

Trump's failure for the people was, he was attempting to use American strength to destroy the strength of other countries of the world, similar to Roosevelt destroying Japan before WW2.

Is there a way that each nation can be strong without destroying others? It sure isn't through Biden... at least not directly.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
January 22, 2021, 12:24:05 PM
donating to trump is just an invitation to be put onto a suckers list.
lists sold to scammers who know you will blindly pay for things that will never prosper.

you will find the same thing with conspiracy sites. they dont run their websites on amazon services for free after all.

expect sob stories and donation links.
just dont be surprised your email is now part of a suckers list

The primary motivation for me to donate to Trump in the 2016 election was when the Democrats were making fun of him for only having half the money that Clinton had.  Man-oh-man that pissed me off because as a Democrat in my earlier years, a lot of hay was made about the business oriented Republicans having more money.  Thinking back, though, that could have been a fuckin lie too for all I know (or care.)

I don't get mad; I get even.  And 'we' planted Trump in for 4 years.  Suck that one!  The Trump 4 was enough time for me to get the fuck out of dodge once it became clear what Trump actually was (with NO help from his 'adversaries'.)  Even with a total lack of meaningful analysis from the Left it became clear very quickly that he was an Israeli-firster who cared little about the U.S..  And to the extent that he did, it was just an interest in planting explosives for the controlled demolition which is apparently being left to Biden.  The power struggle for the eventual carcass of the U.S. between the Talmudic Jews and the largely Jewish Leftist Kabbalahists created a window of opportunity.

A secondary motivation is that I did want to gauge what kind of a scammy fuck Trump actually might be, and I do know how to design meaningful experiments.  That's why I used a burner e-mail.  I didn't really anticipate the whole slimeball family piling on as they did, but again, that's what experiments are for.  And with the burner, I never saw any of their spam unless I went looking for it.

As they say, "What good is wisdom experiment if it brings no profit knowledge to the wise peeps?"  Hence, this thread.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
January 22, 2021, 11:40:54 AM
donating to trump is just an invitation to be put onto a suckers list.
lists sold to scammers who know you will blindly pay for things that will never prosper.

you will find the same thing with conspiracy sites. they dont run their websites on amazon services for free after all.

expect sob stories and donation links.
just dont be surprised your email is now part of a suckers list
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
January 21, 2021, 12:24:44 PM

Now that the slimy spam fam scammers tucked their tails and ran away I wondered what kind of spam I would be getting.  I figured they would still be spamming, but guessed wrong.  Here's all I got yesterday:

RNC HQ     Stand with us - Your Party still needs you      Jan 21, 2021

The funny thing is that I'm still registered as a Democrat from about 30 year back (though, to be fair, I still was pretty chumped by the two-part illusion until the 2000 election, and even after that I tended to align with the Dems vs. Repub until the early 2010's when I left Silicon Valley.  After that I became completely neutral on the two fake parties and didn't pay any attention at all to what fake part a person aligns with.  When I did vote (rare and mostly local) I just went by what a candidate wrote about their policy if that made much difference either.)

copper member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 1899
Amazon Prime Member #7
November 08, 2020, 02:00:19 PM
This is not unique to the Trump campaign, or Republicans. If you find yourself on Creepy Joe Biden's email list, you should expect to receive just as many solication emails. I would expect Biden to try to rub your shoulders until you are willing to send him money.

Surely someone here is on some other candidate's spam list.  They should feel free to post their daily catch on this thread so that we can compare.

I had created an email address and got it on the Democrats' mailing lists. I received the same type of emails, that is promises to "match" any contribution I made and otherwise asking me to donate money. They came through at a much lower volume than the Trump emails, less than one per day.

Trump still needs to raise money to pay for legal fees related to contesting the election results. At this point, his election lawyers will become more expensive and they will be less willing to work on credit because this type of election-related litigation is a longshot at best, and the potential rewards (working in a winning administration) are low at this point.
sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325
November 08, 2020, 01:44:37 PM
Sure it is agitating, but can you blame them? They are being systematically denied access to pretty much every online platform.

thats because these democrats are a fraud and a scam
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
November 08, 2020, 03:59:29 AM

In case anyone is wondering, here is the content of a random one of these things.  By chance, this one was even less verbose in the actual body.  As the note shows, most of the content was fine-print hidden at the bottom.  They are not even really trying any more.  The recommended amount buttons sometimes start with a $250-is or a $20-ish as in this example.  No real explanation of what the '$20 = $220' means.  I figure it means that Sheldon Adelson 9-minute-mark is doing a 10-to-1 match.

I wonder if one of the Trump grifter's projects in retirement is to sue the fuck out of Google for labeling their 'lucrative' money making operations as spam and thus costing them a lot of revenue.  If I get 30 spams for day asking for $20/each, Google cost the Trump franchise $600/moron/day.  I'd love to see it happen and I'd love to see Trump Inc win.  Google and Trump are equally loathsome in my mind.

to: {burner_email_addy}
date: Nov 8, 2020, 2:06 PM
subject: We need YOU to step up
mailing list: <109{nums}.xt.local> Filter messages from this mailing list
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more


2:06 PM (11 minutes ago)

to {email_burner_name}
Why is this message in spam?

You previously marked messages from [email protected] as spam.
Trump Pence Make America Great Again

CONTRIBUTE $20 = $220
CONTRIBUTE $15 = $165
CONTRIBUTE $10 = $110

   {snip - many blank lines to hide fine print}

Contributions to the Trump Make America Great Again Committee are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Paid for by Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed
of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. and the Republican National Committee.

You are receiving this email at {burner_email_addy}
Trump Make America Great Again Committee, 725 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10022

We believe this is an important way to reach our grassroots supporters with the most up-to-date information
regarding the efforts of the Trump Make America Great Again Committee and President Trump, and we¿re glad
you¿re on our team.

Thank you for joining Team Trump. It¿s because of grassroots supporters like YOU that we¿ve been able to consistently
call out the Fake News media EVERY SINGLE TIME they try to spread misinformation or outright LIES about the important
work President Trump is doing. Reaching grassroots supporters directly is CRITICAL if we¿re going to WIN BIG in November.
But, in order to do that we need to provide them with the most up-to-date information on all of our efforts.

TEXT WIN2020 to 88022 to start receiving text messages from the Official Trump Campaign

TEXT WIN2020 to 80810 to start receiving text messages from the Republican National Committee

President Trump has a personal message for some of his top supporters. See below.

This message is intended for: {burner_email_addy}

Together, we will Make America Great Again

President Donald J. Trump

If you want to be one of the FIRST people to get the latest updates on the President¿s re-election campaign directly
from Team Trump please make sure to download the Official Trump 2020 App and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
If you¿d like to receive key updates from the Republican National Committee, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

President Donald J. Trump Quote

You can also sign up to receive text messages from Team Trump, members of the Trump family, and even the
President himself. If you would like to opt-out of important campaign updates like this, please click here. If you would
like to give feedback to the President, click here. If you¿d like to step up and join your fellow Patriots in the fight against
the Left-wing MOB please click here to sign up to volunteer with Team Trump. It¿s because of the commitment and support
from real Patriots, like YOU {first_name}, that we will Make America Great Again! We appreciate your support and with
your help, we¿ll secure FOUR MORE YEARS!

Start earning Trump Reward points and download the Official Trump 2020 App below.

I love how I could get a secret decoder ring and start building my fortune early in 'Trump Reward points' just by puting some spyware Trojan horse app on my phone!  That's a nice touch.

hero member
Activity: 753
Merit: 505
November 08, 2020, 02:08:14 AM
I remember getting relentless .gov email from a local politician whose name I don't even know. It was infuriating because there was no option to unsubscribe from whatever mailing list my email belonged to. I don't even know how they got it. The politician was legit and all. This was a Microsoft email so I created a rule of any message with this string of text goes directly into the trashcan.
Activity: 189
Merit: 30
November 08, 2020, 02:00:40 AM
i bet he has more success with these than anyone else considering he cornered the uneducated demo
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
November 08, 2020, 01:37:10 AM
Now that Trump has lost (to Joe 'kiddie-groper' Biden!!!) you'd think he'd go back to abusing his daughter instead of my inbox.  If that's what you thought, you'de be wrong  Here's my catch for HALF of today:

Code: Defense Team - Join the Election Defense Task Force. 12:06 pm
Donald J. Trump I need you - Join the Election Defense Task Force. 11:13 am
Donald J. Trump 270 - We'll get there. 11:06 am
Donald Trump Jr. This fight is worth having - We must defend the integrity of o 10:06 am
Ronna McDaniel This is outrageous - We need to fight back. 9:10 am
Donald J. Trump Can I count on you? - You've never let me down before. 9:06 am
Mike Pence Our President needs YOU - Will you help us fight to defend the 8:06 am
Eric Trump Defend Election integrity - Support the Official Election Defen 7:11 am
Donald J. Trump This Election is far from over. - Joe Biden has NOT been certif 7:08 am
Donald J. Trump The Election results - 6:06 am Wisconsin is too close 5:10 am
Election Defense Task F ¿?¿? Time to ACT 5:06 am Election Update: - Help us defend the integrity of the results. 4:06 am
Donald J. Trump Fraud stoppers - Support the Election Defense Fund 3:12 am
Donald J. Trump Election Defense Task Force - Defend the Election. 3:06 am
Ronna McDaniel We¿re defying expectations - 2:06 am Your response matters - Tell President Trump the truth. 1:08 am
Lara Trump Nothing matters more than the integrity of this Election - Let' 1:06 am
Trump Election Defense {name} - increase your impact NOW. - Support the Official Elect 1:04 am
Donald J. Trump I need you right now, {name}. 12:06 am

Yesterday I got 36 spams from these Frankist cretins by rough count.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
September 02, 2020, 10:38:14 PM
This is not unique to the Trump campaign, or Republicans. If you find yourself on Creepy Joe Biden's email list, you should expect to receive just as many solication emails. I would expect Biden to try to rub your shoulders until you are willing to send him money.

Surely someone here is on some other candidate's spam list.  They should feel free to post their daily catch on this thread so that we can compare.

For the purposes of analyzing the spam-storm generated, I thought about buying one of the 'temple coins' which are being pumped in Christian Zionist circles ostensibly to build the 'Third Temple' so the antichrist can return or whatever those idiots want.  I suspect that a good portion of the money ends up in the fuel tank of Rabbi Hagee's Gulfstream jet for his frequent trips back home to Israel, but that's neither here nor there and it's better than Pompeo who uses my tax dollars for the same purpose.

Activity: 11
Merit: 0
September 02, 2020, 05:16:26 PM
I wonder if there are still people who take this propaganda spam seriously. Logically, it seems that such people should not be many or should not be at all.
However, as life practice shows, there are too many people who believe in such nonsense. I wonder what would have happened if Trump's twitter had also been hacked and called for the purchase of bitcoin.

There are lots of people who take this propaganda seriously. What do you think Faux News has been peddling for decades?  Grin
copper member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 1899
Amazon Prime Member #7
September 02, 2020, 04:20:31 PM
If a political campaign is able to get your money, you are less likely to change your vote out of that candidate as long as they remain in the race. Fundraising dollars also allow a political campaign to reach more voters with their message. The messages cost next to nothing to send and are unlikely to dissuade anyone from donating, nor from voting for the candidate.

This is not unique to the Trump campaign, or Republicans. If you find yourself on Creepy Joe Biden's email list, you should expect to receive just as many solication emails. I would expect Biden to try to rub your shoulders until you are willing to send him money.
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
September 01, 2020, 10:56:56 AM

These days it's mostly The President himself who takes time out of his busy day to send me e-mail.  I feel so honored!  Here's my haul from this morning:

Donald J. Trump I know you won¿t let me down - I need you, .   12:47 PM
President Trump and. URGENT - Today is the FINAL day 11:48 AM This is your FINAL REMINDER - 800%-MATCH 10:48 AM
Donald J. Trump Let¿s make a HUGE statement - I want to CRUSH our $30 MILLION g 10:32 AM THREE HOURS LEFT - We¿re running out of time. 9:17 AM
Donald J. Trump 800%-MATCH: ACTIVATED Don¿t share this. 8:18 AM
Donald J. Trump 800%-MATCH: ACTIVATED Don¿t share this. 8:03 AM T-minus 6 hours - We NEED you, . 6:18 AM
President Trump and. URGENT - Today is the FINAL day 6:03 AM
Donald J. Trump We must win - We need to CRUSH Sleepy Joe. 4:47 AM We crushed Joe & Kamala AGAIN - Let¿s keep going. 4:05 AM
Donald J. Trump I am counting on YOU - I know you won¿t let me down 2:36 AM
Donald J. Trump They can¿t be allowed to win - We need to CRUSH Sleepy Joe. 2:04 AM Just 12 hours left - Our most important goal yet. 12:18 AM
Trump Finance We need to CRUSH our goal - You¿re needed now more than ever. 12:03 AM

One thing we can say for sure about The Donald:  he really really really likes to CRUSH things!

LOL. I love how this is still ongoing, unsure why they're going to keep sending you emails. Are you opening these emails or doing anything for them to know from their end that they should keep sending you emails? Seems kinda dumb to keep spamming people with emails if they're not interacting with the emails at all.

This also can't be a good way to ensure that your list stays active. Seems like a very good way to piss off the recipients of your emails and make them unsubscribe (and leave a bad taste in your mouth) Though I guess that doesn't really matter for Trump though, this can potentially be his last term if he doesn't win and if he does he'll be term limited. He's just trying to win and then be done (potentially) with politics.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
September 01, 2020, 02:37:24 AM

These days it's mostly The President himself who takes time out of his busy day to send me e-mail.  I feel so honored!  Here's my haul from this morning:

Donald J. Trump I know you won¿t let me down - I need you, 12:47 PM
President Trump and. URGENT - Today is the FINAL day 11:48 AM This is your FINAL REMINDER - 800%-MATCH 10:48 AM
Donald J. Trump Let¿s make a HUGE statement - I want to CRUSH our $30 MILLION g 10:32 AM THREE HOURS LEFT - We¿re running out of time. 9:17 AM
Donald J. Trump 800%-MATCH: ACTIVATED Don¿t share this. 8:18 AM
Donald J. Trump 800%-MATCH: ACTIVATED Don¿t share this. 8:03 AM T-minus 6 hours - We NEED you, . 6:18 AM
President Trump and. URGENT - Today is the FINAL day 6:03 AM
Donald J. Trump We must win - We need to CRUSH Sleepy Joe. 4:47 AM We crushed Joe & Kamala AGAIN - Let¿s keep going. 4:05 AM
Donald J. Trump I am counting on YOU - I know you won¿t let me down 2:36 AM
Donald J. Trump They can¿t be allowed to win - We need to CRUSH Sleepy Joe. 2:04 AM Just 12 hours left - Our most important goal yet. 12:18 AM
Trump Finance We need to CRUSH our goal - You¿re needed now more than ever. 12:03 AM

One thing we can say for sure about The Donald:  he really really really likes to CRUSH things!

Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
July 28, 2020, 03:28:39 AM
Really want to know who they're outsourcing to handle this. I'm expecting that it's the same person for both parties (or same way of trying to get around spam filters while obviously spamming)

At least they haven't sold your burner, yet. lol.

My spam filters catch it all and put it in the spam filter. At least for me, it's not just Trump emails, but numerous politically oriented activities.

Trump one seem to get through every so often for me. Obviously they're still not listening to my beautiful unsubscribe from email, which isn't surprising given the way that they're targeting these emails with the scammy subject lines and such.

I really feel like this is just a way to kill the retention of your email list over a long period. You can be scammy and such a few times and it may work. But it's not going to work on people forever.

News update on another spammy side of the Trump/RNC fundraising outfit - - Seems like phone carriers are blocking the texts as a scam. Trump campaign is currently negoiating with carriers. Curious on how that will turn out.

I wonder if there are still people who take this propaganda spam seriously. Logically, it seems that such people should not be many or should not be at all.
However, as life practice shows, there are too many people who believe in such nonsense. I wonder what would have happened if Trump's twitter had also been hacked and called for the purchase of bitcoin.

It's gotta work if they send it out this often.s

If he called for the purchase of Bitcoin? I mean probably nothing over a long period. Maybe just a short term push. Market may be more resistant then that these days though. Not too sure.
hero member
Activity: 1708
Merit: 651
July 24, 2020, 11:02:21 AM
I wonder if there are still people who take this propaganda spam seriously. Logically, it seems that such people should not be many or should not be at all.
However, as life practice shows, there are too many people who believe in such nonsense. I wonder what would have happened if Trump's twitter had also been hacked and called for the purchase of bitcoin.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
July 23, 2020, 10:20:55 AM
Really want to know who they're outsourcing to handle this. I'm expecting that it's the same person for both parties (or same way of trying to get around spam filters while obviously spamming)

At least they haven't sold your burner, yet. lol.

My spam filters catch it all and put it in the spam filter. At least for me, it's not just Trump emails, but numerous politically oriented activities.
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
July 22, 2020, 02:23:43 AM
Just an additional note. I've gotten a good amount of these spam emails recentley, unsure on why - Never have donated, bought merch, given my email, or anything along those lines to a political campaign.

My spam continues to come only from the Trump clan or whoever they may contract their spam-house operations to.  It is also the case that no other entity has spend spam to the trump-only e-mail so they didn't sell my addy.  Yet.

So, in spite of the attempts by the appologists to deflect, justify, blame the victim, etc in service to the Trump tribe, the obvious fact remains that these maggots are spamming people who they suspect of being brainwashed cattle with the most base and obvious material.  It really speaks to who these people are.

I've tried to unsubscribe, and I'm pretty sure they just don't care and they're going to continue sending out emails to me. So that's pretty nice, going to have to just pray that hitting spam on all of them forces Googles spam filter to notice that I don't want to see it.

Saw the same thing - regarding the ignoring of unsubscribing - on another family members email. Not surprised to see Google putting all of these in spam though.

You are gaining wisdom to the ways of e-mail and spammers, Grasshopper.

Here's my most recent haul for the last few days.  I would expect a few more today:

Eric Trump Are you up for it? - The Left will never catch us. 11:26 AM
Meet President Trump We¿ll see you in Florida - Win the trip of a lifetime. 9:36 AM The Fake News media will fail - 8:30 AM
Donald J. Trump Let¿s keep our lead - I can't do it without you. 6:46 AM
Donald J. Trump This is ONLY for my TOP supporters - Do NOT share this with an 4:46 AM
Lara Trump Are you ready for Texas?  - You don't want to miss this. 4:41 AM
Donald J. Trump Tonight.  - I want to set a NEW record. 3:06 AM Defend America - It's time. 2:31 AM
Donald J. Trump Which picture should I use?  - VOTE NOW. 12:47 AM
Trump Platinum Card It looks good - 12:01 AM
Bill Stepien, Trump. We need to pick it up - Are you ready? Jul 21
Trump Flash Sale This one-time offer - Your order will ship soon. Jul 21
Lara Trump Become an advisor to the President - Jul 21 No more police - This is what it would look like. Jul 21
Donald J. Trump Will you come with me?  - This trip will be unforgettable Jul 21 We trust you already know - You must. Jul 21
Bill Stepien, Trump. We need to stay ahead - The President said I could count on yo Jul 21 Did you see our new ad?  - We're exposing the TRUTH. Jul 21 Help expose the LIES of the Mainstream media - Take the survey Jul 21 Help expose the LIES of the Mainstream media - Take the survey Jul 21

LOL, grasshopper.

I don't know to me it just feels so weird to think that the worst offenders of spamming emails, are the very people that we elect to fix problems. The crazy thing is is that this strategy must actually work as they Trumps (and the rest of the political machine) continues to use this strategy. So people may actually fall for it on one of these emails.

Really want to know who they're outsourcing to handle this. I'm expecting that it's the same person for both parties (or same way of trying to get around spam filters while obviously spamming)

At least they haven't sold your burner, yet. lol.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 22, 2020, 12:15:48 AM
Just an additional note. I've gotten a good amount of these spam emails recentley, unsure on why - Never have donated, bought merch, given my email, or anything along those lines to a political campaign.

My spam continues to come only from the Trump clan or whoever they may contract their spam-house operations to.  It is also the case that no other entity has spend spam to the trump-only e-mail so they didn't sell my addy.  Yet.

So, in spite of the attempts by the appologists to deflect, justify, blame the victim, etc in service to the Trump tribe, the obvious fact remains that these maggots are spamming people who they suspect of being brainwashed cattle with the most base and obvious material.  It really speaks to who these people are.

I've tried to unsubscribe, and I'm pretty sure they just don't care and they're going to continue sending out emails to me. So that's pretty nice, going to have to just pray that hitting spam on all of them forces Googles spam filter to notice that I don't want to see it.

Saw the same thing - regarding the ignoring of unsubscribing - on another family members email. Not surprised to see Google putting all of these in spam though.

You are gaining wisdom to the ways of e-mail and spammers, Grasshopper.

Here's my most recent haul for the last few days.  I would expect a few more today:

Eric Trump Are you up for it? - The Left will never catch us. 11:26 AM
Meet President Trump We¿ll see you in Florida - Win the trip of a lifetime. 9:36 AM The Fake News media will fail - 8:30 AM
Donald J. Trump Let¿s keep our lead - I can't do it without you. 6:46 AM
Donald J. Trump This is ONLY for my TOP supporters - Do NOT share this with an 4:46 AM
Lara Trump Are you ready for Texas?  - You don't want to miss this. 4:41 AM
Donald J. Trump Tonight.  - I want to set a NEW record. 3:06 AM Defend America - It's time. 2:31 AM
Donald J. Trump Which picture should I use?  - VOTE NOW. 12:47 AM
Trump Platinum Card It looks good - 12:01 AM
Bill Stepien, Trump. We need to pick it up - Are you ready? Jul 21
Trump Flash Sale This one-time offer - Your order will ship soon. Jul 21
Lara Trump Become an advisor to the President - Jul 21 No more police - This is what it would look like. Jul 21
Donald J. Trump Will you come with me?  - This trip will be unforgettable Jul 21 We trust you already know - You must. Jul 21
Bill Stepien, Trump. We need to stay ahead - The President said I could count on yo Jul 21 Did you see our new ad?  - We're exposing the TRUTH. Jul 21 Help expose the LIES of the Mainstream media - Take the survey Jul 21 Help expose the LIES of the Mainstream media - Take the survey Jul 21

Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
July 21, 2020, 05:53:57 PM
Just an additional note. I've gotten a good amount of these spam emails recentley, unsure on why - Never have donated, bought merch, given my email, or anything along those lines to a political campaign.

I've tried to unsubscribe, and I'm pretty sure they just don't care and they're going to continue sending out emails to me. So that's pretty nice, going to have to just pray that hitting spam on all of them forces Googles spam filter to notice that I don't want to see it.

Saw the same thing - regarding the ignoring of unsubscribing - on another family members email. Not surprised to see Google putting all of these in spam though.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
July 20, 2020, 07:12:30 PM
I wonder if anyone could have seen this coming...
A test run of one of Donald Trump's most important voter-contact programs was abruptly shut down over the July 4 weekend, potentially costing the president millions of dollars in donations and raising alarms about whether the initiative will face roadblocks in the run-up to the election.

Trump’s campaign used the weekend to test-drive its text messaging program, a cornerstone of its small-donor outreach and its voter turnout plan. But after sending out over 1 million patriotic-themed messages, the enterprise was taken offline by anti-spam monitors employed by mobile phone giants.


[...]Donald Trump Jr. has alleged that Gmail is sending reelection campaign emails to spam folders.

Yeah no shit. Must be a libtard conspiracy because there is no fucking way that people would be clicking the "Spam" button upon seeing that crap.

They sure didn't do that for the Beto O'Rourke senate / presidential runs. Nope. That spam sailed right through.

By the way, I'm not sure about email spam, but voice and robocalls by political groups are specifically designated as allowed. Likely email would be the same.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
July 20, 2020, 06:18:02 PM
I wonder if anyone could have seen this coming...
A test run of one of Donald Trump's most important voter-contact programs was abruptly shut down over the July 4 weekend, potentially costing the president millions of dollars in donations and raising alarms about whether the initiative will face roadblocks in the run-up to the election.

Trump’s campaign used the weekend to test-drive its text messaging program, a cornerstone of its small-donor outreach and its voter turnout plan. But after sending out over 1 million patriotic-themed messages, the enterprise was taken offline by anti-spam monitors employed by mobile phone giants.


[...]Donald Trump Jr. has alleged that Gmail is sending reelection campaign emails to spam folders.

Yeah no shit. Must be a libtard conspiracy because there is no fucking way that people would be clicking the "Spam" button upon seeing that crap.
copper member
Activity: 2926
Merit: 2348
July 16, 2020, 09:20:45 PM
But thats insane that they've sent that many emails in one day. That's literally 9 emails within 1 day period. Lord if that was on my personal email I'd be VERY angry.

I'd be angry if these e-mails come without a link to unsubscribe. Otherwise - meh. Spammers gonna spam but as long as you can unspam them - fair game. But how they obtained the e-mail address seems to be the more interesting part of the story. I'm guessing there was a fine print along with the OP's original donation that basically said "we can do whatever we want with your personal info, including using it to spam you indefinitely and giving it to other spammers".

Going to assume that all of these emails have links to unsubscribe in them, even if they weren't fully copied over when  tvbcof posted the emails on here. Probably just pretty far down in the email to hide the fact that you actually can unsubscribe.

Here's some info on the Trump campaign selling your email and other info around for $$$$ -

and another

Selling mailing lists is not something that is unique to Trump. Political campaigns and PACs routinely both buy and sell mailing lists.

In 2012, I tried signing up for clickbait mailing list that promised tickets to Obama's 2012 nomination in Charlotte that didn't actually get me tickets. I ended up on dozens of mailing lists. About two months before the election, I successfully unsubscribed to all the mailing lists, but days before the election, I magically started getting emails from Obama again, asking for money and reminding me to vote. 
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
July 16, 2020, 12:17:29 PM
...Nothing wrong with Rand, I just think he's more of a loyalist to Trump who drops his ideals when Trump says to do so. Nothing can really be done about that though, as Trump has this insane grip on the party.

If Trump does have "this insane grip on the party" he earned it the hard way. I tend to think that's not the case, most in the Repubbles are only loyal to their pocketbook and who enriches it. Rand was always bragging about his mailers and emailers and his techniques.

Oh totally not arguing that he didn't earn the amount of influence he has on the power. The guy literally brought on the first HOSTILE TAKEOVER of a political party from the top down. He demands loyalty from those below him, and his supporters (all across the US) demand it as well. That's the reason that Tubverville crushed Sessions in the recent race even though Sessions was a household name in Alabama and Tuberville was able to run for SENATE as his first time in politics....

Interesting perspective. But if Trump brought on the first Hostile Takeover, it was totally with our (the American people)'s encouragement and approval. Both the parties had gotten quite distanced from the people, and although Trump has partially corrected that with the Republicans, the Dems are drifting farther and farther away, with no end in sight.

Without denying Trump et al email/spam, the absolute worst abuser spammer of the last two years was Beto O'Rourke. And they've started up again.
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
July 16, 2020, 01:53:12 AM
...Nothing wrong with Rand, I just think he's more of a loyalist to Trump who drops his ideals when Trump says to do so. Nothing can really be done about that though, as Trump has this insane grip on the party.

If Trump does have "this insane grip on the party" he earned it the hard way. I tend to think that's not the case, most in the Repubbles are only loyal to their pocketbook and who enriches it. Rand was always bragging about his mailers and emailers and his techniques.

Oh totally not arguing that he didn't earn the amount of influence he has on the power. The guy literally brought on the first HOSTILE TAKEOVER of a political party from the top down. He demands loyalty from those below him, and his supporters (all across the US) demand it as well. That's the reason that Tubverville crushed Sessions in the recent race even though Sessions was a household name in Alabama and Tuberville was able to run for SENATE as his first time in politics.

All politicians are loyal to the lobbyists -- I think that's Trump (and Biden) included now at this point.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
July 15, 2020, 11:20:49 AM
...Nothing wrong with Rand, I just think he's more of a loyalist to Trump who drops his ideals when Trump says to do so. Nothing can really be done about that though, as Trump has this insane grip on the party.

If Trump does have "this insane grip on the party" he earned it the hard way. I tend to think that's not the case, most in the Repubbles are only loyal to their pocketbook and who enriches it. Rand was always bragging about his mailers and emailers and his techniques.
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
July 15, 2020, 03:05:01 AM
Was just reading an article about these campaign emails, which we've seen from this thread (and our personal lives) that the emails are just a constant barrage of spam and bait and switch from all people. The article from WSJ displayed the fact that these emails really do work, and even if you seem like you're desperate for money in the emails -- people are still more then willing to support the cause.

Great read, see here -

One thing I've noticed is emails/snail mail from people running for some office far away, other side of the country, asking for money.

Those obviously aren't going to have to same effectiveness as people who are running in your district -- or running for office such as the President, where it doesn't really matter where they live.

Though I wouldn't be surprised if people from around the US donate to someone like Bernie in his next senate race. For this I'm talking about the 'celebrity politicans' who have clout in the entire country even if they're not running for President anymore.

Typically these people have run for President though and failed.

The guy that started these saturation mail/email across the country campaigns may have been Ron Paul.

Didn't know that, but it does make sense. He was one of the first people to really grow a national brand around him, and really brought in national spotlight as an outsider in regards to party affiliation. Guy said one of the most true statements that I've heard in so long:

Quote from: Ron Paul Wikipedia
As in 2008, in 2012 Paul ultimately refused to endorse the ticket selected by the Republican Party. He said that there was no essential difference between Romney and his Democratic opponent, President Obama, on the most critical policies: "I've been in this business a long time and believe me there is essentially no difference from one administration to another no matter what the platforms... The foreign policy stays the same, the monetary policy stays the same, there's no proposal for any real cuts and both parties support it.

Party doesn't change anything when there is a uniparty that controls it all. Ron Paul (not so much Rand IMO) was one of the few principled Libertarians to be in Congress and have a chance at moving farther. Nothing wrong with Rand, I just think he's more of a loyalist to Trump who drops his ideals when Trump says to do so. Nothing can really be done about that though, as Trump has this insane grip on the party.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
July 11, 2020, 10:45:43 PM
Was just reading an article about these campaign emails, which we've seen from this thread (and our personal lives) that the emails are just a constant barrage of spam and bait and switch from all people. The article from WSJ displayed the fact that these emails really do work, and even if you seem like you're desperate for money in the emails -- people are still more then willing to support the cause.

Great read, see here -

One thing I've noticed is emails/snail mail from people running for some office far away, other side of the country, asking for money.

Those obviously aren't going to have to same effectiveness as people who are running in your district -- or running for office such as the President, where it doesn't really matter where they live.

Though I wouldn't be surprised if people from around the US donate to someone like Bernie in his next senate race. For this I'm talking about the 'celebrity politicans' who have clout in the entire country even if they're not running for President anymore.

Typically these people have run for President though and failed.

The guy that started these saturation mail/email across the country campaigns may have been Ron Paul.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
July 11, 2020, 10:27:29 PM
Imagine the "sensor ships!!!!$#$#%#^" screams if they keep this up and e.g. gmail blocks their domains for spamming.
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
July 11, 2020, 10:03:39 PM
Was just reading an article about these campaign emails, which we've seen from this thread (and our personal lives) that the emails are just a constant barrage of spam and bait and switch from all people. The article from WSJ displayed the fact that these emails really do work, and even if you seem like you're desperate for money in the emails -- people are still more then willing to support the cause.

Great read, see here -

One thing I've noticed is emails/snail mail from people running for some office far away, other side of the country, asking for money.

Those obviously aren't going to have to same effectiveness as people who are running in your district -- or running for office such as the President, where it doesn't really matter where they live.

Though I wouldn't be surprised if people from around the US donate to someone like Bernie in his next senate race. For this I'm talking about the 'celebrity politicans' who have clout in the entire country even if they're not running for President anymore.

Typically these people have run for President though and failed.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
July 11, 2020, 09:01:48 PM
Was just reading an article about these campaign emails, which we've seen from this thread (and our personal lives) that the emails are just a constant barrage of spam and bait and switch from all people. The article from WSJ displayed the fact that these emails really do work, and even if you seem like you're desperate for money in the emails -- people are still more then willing to support the cause.

Great read, see here -

One thing I've noticed is emails/snail mail from people running for some office far away, other side of the country, asking for money.
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
July 11, 2020, 08:09:00 PM
Was just reading an article about these campaign emails, which we've seen from this thread (and our personal lives) that the emails are just a constant barrage of spam and bait and switch from all people. The article from WSJ displayed the fact that these emails really do work, and even if you seem like you're desperate for money in the emails -- people are still more then willing to support the cause.

Great read, see here -
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
July 11, 2020, 05:32:05 PM
And here's the body of the message where they implied that my airplane ticket, presumably to one of the Trump/Pompeo baby-kill rituals in some subterranean ....
I was shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that there was no ticket attached...

It may have been your lucky day! The baby-kill rituals are not enough to provide food for the many hungry attendants, and I can assure you that they were looking your way not for insight...
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
July 11, 2020, 05:28:04 PM
Here's some info on the Trump campaign selling your email and other info around for $$$$ -

Probably exactly the same thing going on regardless of party affiliation, right?

Yeah, the articles that I threw in before spoke about how all candidates that are already established and have a good email list are doing this -- the selling portion of things. The ones that aren't so established in the political world or are running for a new district / state are going to need to buy emails to expand their list. Just like any other business would do to properly advertise.

Not surprised by the selling, just stating it is all.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 11, 2020, 12:28:08 PM
Here's my latest haul of spam from these the creepy Trump clan since my last report yesterday:....
I was shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that there was no ticket attached after all.  Only the ninth email that day asking for my 'love gift' of a few hundred dollars. They lied to me Sad  I think I'm going to cry...

This is clearly outrageous. You should have at least a bus ticket to some where. I'm going to have to complain to the Nigerian Trump Impersonators about that!

I know it can be hard for people who are brought up a certain way to resist the tribal instinct, but you simply cannot suger-coat this one.

The spam comes from some a coalition of several incorporated entities.  One the RNC, and the other associated with the Trump brand.  They use the domain names '' and '', and they've set up DKIM and DMARC to prove the mail is from them (and thus avoid spam filters.)  Again, they also use an address for me that I gave only to them and nobody else.

What people who only know 'Christain ethics' have trouble comprehending is that there are people in this world who truly believe that they are, for all intents and purpose, a different species.  It is a God-given right and a duty to cheat 'Christians' and other simpletons.  God made the goyim stupid and them smart for precisely this reason according to their belief system.  You cannot shame people like these because it is simply not a shameful thing to lie and cheat as long as you victimize the goyim.  Every time a Chosen person cheats and rips of a goyim it validates the contention about the ethnic supremacy of the Chosen people.  This is Kabbalah stuff.  The Chabad-Lubavitch (Jared and Ivanka/Yael's sect) are the most outspoken about these beliefs, and they happen to hold a vast amount of power on earth at this time for reasons which are to complex to get into here.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
July 10, 2020, 08:06:30 PM
Here's my latest haul of spam from these the creepy Trump clan since my last report yesterday:....
I was shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that there was no ticket attached after all.  Only the ninth email that day asking for my 'love gift' of a few hundred dollars. They lied to me Sad  I think I'm going to cry...

This is clearly outrageous. You should have at least a bus ticket to some where. I'm going to have to complain to the Nigerian Trump Impersonators about that!
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 10, 2020, 08:55:16 AM
Here's my latest haul of spam from these the creepy Trump clan since my last report yesterday:

Meet President Trump Your plane ticket - Attached 11:13 am
Donald J. Trump Hillary + Joe - They're as crooked as they come.   10:26 am
Eric Trump This isn¿t like you - 9:52 am
Donald J. Trump Our Nation¿s children - We must think of them.   8:16 am
Trump Platinum Card Your name in platinum - It looks good.   7:50 am
Donald J. Trump Hillary Clinton - She just won't go away.   7:06 am
Donald J. Trump Hillary Clinton - She just won't go away. 5:10 am
FREE TRUMP GEAR FREE GIFT - Exclusively for big league supporters 3:32 am
Donald J. Trump {first_name}¿s Platinum Membership Card - Get your Off 1:09 am
Trump Match Alert Congratulations! - You're our weekly winner.   Jul 9

And here's the body of the message where they implied that my airplane ticket, presumably to one of the Trump/Pompeo baby-kill rituals in some subterranean Masonic temple under Jerusalem, is attached:


Is everything OK?

President Trump asked us if you were available to meet him at an upcoming event but we
told him we hadn¿t heard from you yet. You¿ve always been one of our BEST supporters,
and NOT entering just isn¿t like you.

The President is going to call us again soon for an update. Can we confirm your RSVP
when he calls?

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, {first_name}, so don¿t wait any longer.
Please contribute $100 TODAY to win a chance to meet your favorite President and take
a picture together. >>
You've been selected to meet President Trump
Remember, if you win:

    We¿ll cover your flight
    We¿ll cover your hotel
    We¿ll cover your meal
    You¿ll get to bring a guest
    And you¿ll get to take a photo with the President!

There are only a few days left to contribute to win. This may be your only chance to meet
the President. Don¿t miss your chance.

Please contribute $100 IMMEDIATELY to enter to win this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Thank you,

Team Trump 2020

I was shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that there was no ticket attached after all.  Only the ninth email that day asking for my 'love gift' of a few hundred dollars. They lied to me Sad  I think I'm going to cry...

Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
July 09, 2020, 02:11:21 PM
Um, if it 'doesn't reach my eyeballs' anyway, why should I give the scammers even more value by validating the fact that it can?  I would say that 'that's quite dumb'.

What I meant is that (for those few spam e-mails that slip through) "unsubscribe" would be my first step since it costs me nothing, and if that doesn't help I would probably need to put more effort into filtering it off. The value gained by spammers would be negated anyway - if anything they'd be duped into thinking there's value when there isn't.

I'm actually not complaining.  What I am doing is demonstrating quite conclusively the type of slimeballs these Trump people are for the benefit of those who have not figured it out already.

I actually get a fair bit of useful information out of the various spam from the various places.  That is one of the reasons why I use a special e-mail addy almost every time I put an addy into a form.  The spam doesn't bother me in the least unless I go out of my way to look at it.  I'm just sharing because, you know, "Sharing is Caring".

Fair enough. The slimeballery exhibited in those e-mails is quite impressive, that's true.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 09, 2020, 01:59:53 PM

You guys might be a bit noobish with this whole e-mail thing.  It's a fundamental rule to NEVER EVER 'unsubscribe' to a scammer.  All this does is confirm that the mail is being read and makes your addy much more valuable.

It's a single-use address so that's exactly what you should do. Unsubscribe and if they don't stop spamming - sue them. You'll be famous.

That "rule" was important in 1990s maybe. It doesn't really matter now that most spam is quietly dropped before reaching your eyeballs. You don't lose anything by clicking "unsubscribe". But if you refuse to "unsubscribe" and keep complaining that they're spamming you - that's quite dumb.

Um, if it 'doesn't reach my eyeballs' anyway, why should I give the scammers even more value by validating the fact that it can?  I would say that 'that's quite dumb'.

I'm actually not complaining.  What I am doing is demonstrating quite conclusively the type of slimeballs these Trump people are for the benefit of those who have not figured it out already.

I actually get a fair bit of useful information out of the various spam from the various places.  That is one of the reasons why I use a special e-mail addy almost every time I put an addy into a form.  The spam doesn't bother me in the least unless I go out of my way to look at it.  I'm just sharing because, you know, "Sharing is Caring".

Also, of course, any fuck-head scammer needs to pay the price for their douchebaggery.  Especially ones who should have better things to do with their energies than to try to milk ignorant oldsters for what few shekels they might have in their pockets.  I expect that this whole thread will get picked up and interested parties can research it and look into it further.

Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
July 09, 2020, 01:35:02 PM
You guys might be a bit noobish with this whole e-mail thing.  It's a fundamental rule to NEVER EVER 'unsubscribe' to a scammer.  All this does is confirm that the mail is being read and makes your addy much more valuable.

It's a single-use address so that's exactly what you should do. Unsubscribe and if they don't stop spamming - sue them. You'll be famous.

That "rule" was important in 1990s maybe. It doesn't really matter now that most spam is quietly dropped before reaching your eyeballs. You don't lose anything by clicking "unsubscribe". But if you refuse to "unsubscribe" and keep complaining that they're spamming you - that's quite dumb.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 09, 2020, 01:08:18 PM
But thats insane that they've sent that many emails in one day. That's literally 9 emails within 1 day period. Lord if that was on my personal email I'd be VERY angry.

I'd be angry if these e-mails come without a link to unsubscribe. Otherwise - meh. Spammers gonna spam but as long as you can unspam them - fair game. But how they obtained the e-mail address seems to be the more interesting part of the story. I'm guessing there was a fine print along with the OP's original donation that basically said "we can do whatever we want with your personal info, including using it to spam you indefinitely and giving it to other spammers".

Going to assume that all of these emails have links to unsubscribe in them, even if they weren't fully copied over when  tvbcof posted the emails on here. Probably just pretty far down in the email to hide the fact that you actually can unsubscribe.


You guys might be a bit noobish with this whole e-mail thing.  It's a fundamental rule to NEVER EVER 'unsubscribe' to a scammer.  All this does is confirm that the mail is being read and makes your addy much more valuable.

It's quite difficult for people who grew up around 'Christain values' to comprehend, but spammers have a whole different way of looking at the world.  'Unsubscribing' only proves that you are a weak-minded sucker.  And as such, your addy is a lot more valuable on the trading block.

As I have demonstrated,

  A) The Trump clan are running this thing and have not sold or lost my e-mail addy.  Yet.  If you don't understand the technical details of this, please reserach it on your own since I don't have the time and interest to walk you through it.

  B) The Trump clan are the lowest of the low spammer types based on the frequency and content of their spam.  There is zero reason to believe that they would act differently than any of the other spammers.

Now it is actually true that there was some more to the mail.  I honestly didn't see it because it was so well hidden.  Here it is.  This one from the "Your order has been received" spam mentioned above, but they are all the same (apart from, potentially, tracking codes buried in the URLs.)


{Note: This is in tiny font and after a page of whitespace below the message:}

Contributions to the Trump Make America Great Again Committee are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

   |  Paid for by Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a joint  |
   | fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Donald J.   |
   | Trump for President, Inc. and the Republican National Committee.|

        You are receiving this email at {trump_only_addy}@{my_domain}.com
Trump Make America Great Again Committee, 138 Conant Street, 2nd Floor, Beverly, MA 01915

We believe this is an important way to reach our grassroots supporters with the most up-to-date information regarding
the efforts of the Trump Make America Great Again Committee and President Trump, and we¿re glad you¿re on our team.
It¿s because of grassroots supporters like you that we will Make America Great Again, and we appreciate your support.
Thank you for all that you do!

         privacy policy button graphic     Unsubscribe button graphic

The "authorize by and composed of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc." text has some interesting legal ramifications I'll bet.

You Trump apologists are at some point going to have to suck it up and recognize that the guy, and his whole tribe, are pond scum.  Hopefully before the troops he sent out to stick you with their [not a] vaccine.  If not, oh well.  You'll probably be OK anyway if you are of the right tribe.  If not, God help you!

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
July 09, 2020, 12:47:27 PM
Here's some info on the Trump campaign selling your email and other info around for $$$$ -

Probably exactly the same thing going on regardless of party affiliation, right?
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
July 09, 2020, 10:49:46 AM
But thats insane that they've sent that many emails in one day. That's literally 9 emails within 1 day period. Lord if that was on my personal email I'd be VERY angry.

I'd be angry if these e-mails come without a link to unsubscribe. Otherwise - meh. Spammers gonna spam but as long as you can unspam them - fair game. But how they obtained the e-mail address seems to be the more interesting part of the story. I'm guessing there was a fine print along with the OP's original donation that basically said "we can do whatever we want with your personal info, including using it to spam you indefinitely and giving it to other spammers".

Going to assume that all of these emails have links to unsubscribe in them, even if they weren't fully copied over when  tvbcof posted the emails on here. Probably just pretty far down in the email to hide the fact that you actually can unsubscribe.

Here's some info on the Trump campaign selling your email and other info around for $$$$ -

and another

Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
July 09, 2020, 08:15:22 AM
But thats insane that they've sent that many emails in one day. That's literally 9 emails within 1 day period. Lord if that was on my personal email I'd be VERY angry.

I'd be angry if these e-mails come without a link to unsubscribe. Otherwise - meh. Spammers gonna spam but as long as you can unspam them - fair game. But how they obtained the e-mail address seems to be the more interesting part of the story. I'm guessing there was a fine print along with the OP's original donation that basically said "we can do whatever we want with your personal info, including using it to spam you indefinitely and giving it to other spammers".
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
July 09, 2020, 02:36:30 AM
As I said before though, buying email lists and doing all this sort of email spamming is pretty common in political campaigns.

But don't forget that few people authenticate than an email actually came from where it says it did.

Their donations to Trump may benefit Egyptian teenagers.

That's actually something that I hadn't thought of, especially regarding the fact that that would be a very quick way for these internet scammers to make a few bucks.

The people that are most likely going to donate to a political campaign, and especially the Trump campaign, are going to be people who are older and don't understand technology that well. If you can just make the 'sender' say DONALD J TRUMP or something along those lines, and make the landing page look legit off, you can steal a couple bucks from unsuspecting people who think they're giving to the President.

Nope.  The very best way to paint this is that the Trumpsteins got hacked and lost my trump-only email addy.  Second best would be that they sold it.  Neither of these theories hold much water, though, because they have both DKIM and DMARC configured:

Original Message
Message ID <[email protected]>
Created at: Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 10:52 AM (Delivered after 4 seconds)
From: Lara Trump
To: {trum-only-name}@{my-domain}.com
Subject: You¿re 1 out of 100
SPF: FAIL with IP Learn more
DKIM: 'PASS' with domain Learn more
DMARC: 'PASS' Learn more

The rather obvious implication is that the Trump/Kushner clan are spammers of the lowest order...among other things that they are.

Just for the fun of it, here is my daily haul of spam from these maggots since the last report yesterday:

Lara Trump You¿re 1 out of 100 - Congratulations! 10:53 am
Donald Trump Jr. This is urgent - Don't share this with anyone. 9:51 am
Newt Gingrich We¿re fighting a broken system - President Trump needs YOUR help. 8:28 am
Trump American Defende Help President Trump defend America - 7:21 am {first_name}'s name framed in the President's office - 4:38 am
Donald Trump Jr. I think you would be a great fit - Don't miss your chance. 3:21 am
Donald J. Trump Here¿s your winner... - 2:28 am
Trump Flash Sale Our Keep America Great Hats - Get one for FREE. 1:46 am
Trump Flash Sale Our Keep America Great Hats - Get one for FREE. 12:38 am
Lara Trump Re: I have a message for {first name} - Jul 8

And here's the letter that 'Lara' sent me:


Where have you been?

I just found out that you STILL haven¿t accepted your invitation to join the Trump 100 Club and I wanted
to reach out to give you one more chance to join.

Because you¿ve always been such a loyal Patriot in the past, I¿ve been authorized to EXTEND your offer
until 11:59 PM TONIGHT.

After tonight, your offer may be given to the next supporter in line who¿s ready to fight for their President.

My husband, Eric, joined, Don Jr. joined, and so did Alex from Wisconsin! We¿re just waiting on you now, {first_name}.

Please contribute $100 TODAY to join the Trump 100 Club. >>
Trump 100 Club

President Trump needs to know that he can count on you right now, {first_name}.

He only selected his TOP 100 supporters to join this prestigious club, and I know he¿ll be
disappointed if I have to report back that you passed up this opportunity.

Please contribute $100 by 11:59 PM TONIGHT to join the Trump 100 Club and help us win
BIG in November.
Thank you,

Lara Trump Signature Headshot
Lara Trump
Senior Advisor
Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Was just spitballing with Spendulus regarding what could be. Given the amount of spam that political campaigns send out, it would make sense that someone would take advantage of this.

But thats insane that they've sent that many emails in one day. That's literally 9 emails within 1 day period. Lord if that was on my personal email I'd be VERY angry.

Are you doing anything with the emails to show some sort of engagement? Maybe opening the email or clicking a link inside of it or something like that. I know that usually will continue the automated process of sending more emails.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 09, 2020, 12:57:35 AM
As I said before though, buying email lists and doing all this sort of email spamming is pretty common in political campaigns.

But don't forget that few people authenticate than an email actually came from where it says it did.

Their donations to Trump may benefit Egyptian teenagers.

That's actually something that I hadn't thought of, especially regarding the fact that that would be a very quick way for these internet scammers to make a few bucks.

The people that are most likely going to donate to a political campaign, and especially the Trump campaign, are going to be people who are older and don't understand technology that well. If you can just make the 'sender' say DONALD J TRUMP or something along those lines, and make the landing page look legit off, you can steal a couple bucks from unsuspecting people who think they're giving to the President.

Nope.  The very best way to paint this is that the Trumpsteins got hacked and lost my trump-only email addy.  Second best would be that they sold it.  Neither of these theories hold much water, though, because they have both DKIM and DMARC configured:

Original Message
Message ID <[email protected]>
Created at: Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 10:52 AM (Delivered after 4 seconds)
From: Lara Trump
To: {trum-only-name}@{my-domain}.com
Subject: You¿re 1 out of 100
SPF: FAIL with IP Learn more
DKIM: 'PASS' with domain Learn more
DMARC: 'PASS' Learn more

The rather obvious implication is that the Trump/Kushner clan are spammers of the lowest order...among other things that they are.

Just for the fun of it, here is my daily haul of spam from these maggots since the last report yesterday:

Lara Trump You¿re 1 out of 100 - Congratulations! 10:53 am
Donald Trump Jr. This is urgent - Don't share this with anyone. 9:51 am
Newt Gingrich We¿re fighting a broken system - President Trump needs YOUR help. 8:28 am
Trump American Defende Help President Trump defend America - 7:21 am {first_name}'s name framed in the President's office - 4:38 am
Donald Trump Jr. I think you would be a great fit - Don't miss your chance. 3:21 am
Donald J. Trump Here¿s your winner... - 2:28 am
Trump Flash Sale Our Keep America Great Hats - Get one for FREE. 1:46 am
Trump Flash Sale Our Keep America Great Hats - Get one for FREE. 12:38 am
Lara Trump Re: I have a message for {first name} - Jul 8

And here's the letter that 'Lara' sent me:


Where have you been?

I just found out that you STILL haven¿t accepted your invitation to join the Trump 100 Club and I wanted
to reach out to give you one more chance to join.

Because you¿ve always been such a loyal Patriot in the past, I¿ve been authorized to EXTEND your offer
until 11:59 PM TONIGHT.

After tonight, your offer may be given to the next supporter in line who¿s ready to fight for their President.

My husband, Eric, joined, Don Jr. joined, and so did Alex from Wisconsin! We¿re just waiting on you now, {first_name}.

Please contribute $100 TODAY to join the Trump 100 Club. >>
Trump 100 Club

President Trump needs to know that he can count on you right now, {first_name}.

He only selected his TOP 100 supporters to join this prestigious club, and I know he¿ll be
disappointed if I have to report back that you passed up this opportunity.

Please contribute $100 by 11:59 PM TONIGHT to join the Trump 100 Club and help us win
BIG in November.
Thank you,

Lara Trump Signature Headshot
Lara Trump
Senior Advisor
Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
July 08, 2020, 10:30:08 PM
As I said before though, buying email lists and doing all this sort of email spamming is pretty common in political campaigns.

But don't forget that few people authenticate than an email actually came from where it says it did.

Their donations to Trump may benefit Egyptian teenagers.

That's actually something that I hadn't thought of, especially regarding the fact that that would be a very quick way for these internet scammers to make a few bucks.

The people that are most likely going to donate to a political campaign, and especially the Trump campaign, are going to be people who are older and don't understand technology that well. If you can just make the 'sender' say DONALD J TRUMP or something along those lines, and make the landing page look legit off, you can steal a couple bucks from unsuspecting people who think they're giving to the President.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
July 08, 2020, 06:39:29 PM
As I said before though, buying email lists and doing all this sort of email spamming is pretty common in political campaigns.

But don't forget that few people authenticate than an email actually came from where it says it did.

Their donations to Trump may benefit Egyptian teenagers.
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
July 08, 2020, 05:36:35 PM
I especially like the 'Order Confirmation' one.  Classic trick against REALLY REALLY stupid people.

"Your Order Will Ship Soon" ugh.... What in gods name was the content of this email? Pretty gross way of confusing regular people into thinking that they bought something from the campaign or from some random store.

I wouldn't say that this is just the Trump campaign doing this, or members of the GOP, I think that this is the norm for most campaigns and people in political positions trying to raise money. Especially on the scale of the President, where you need to raise hundreds of millions of dollars. I'm assuming that the RNC and DNC have to do the same sort of thing.

Not sure on if anyone else uses the "Your Order will Ship Soon" -- or something like this in terms of a very scammy tactic.

I went back to actually look at the mail to make sure it was sent to my Trump-email-only address.  It was.  Below is the text.  It was pure bait-n-switch.  Nothing about 'my order' in the body whatsoever.  What utter slimeballs these people are!

               Trump Pence Make America Great Again
                       YOU’VE BEEN SELECTED!


We have an EXCLUSIVE offer just for YOU.

President Trump chose 50 of his TOP Patriots that he wanted to give one of our
Official 2020 Keep America Great Hats to, and YOU were one of them.

All you have to do is contribute $30 in the NEXT HOUR, and we’ll send you one
of our ICONIC Keep America Great Hats FOR FREE.

This one-time offer is only available to you for ONE HOUR, {first_name}.
After that, we’ll be forced to release your FREE hat to the next Patriot.
Please contribute $30 IMMEDIATELY to claim your FREE 2020 Keep America Great Hat. >>
Keep America Great Hats
         CONTRIBUTE $250
         CONTRIBUTE $100
         CONTRIBUTE $50
         CONTRIBUTE $30

President Trump REALLY wants you to have this hat, {first_name}.

We can only hold it for you for ONE HOUR before we release it to the next Patriot
in line, so DON’T WAIT.

Just contribute $30 NOW and we’ll send you one of our ICONIC 2020 Keep America
Great Hats for FREE.

Thank you,

Team Trump 2020

Some of the lines above seemed to be URL's with unique tracking tokens and what-not.

Ugh, that's just such a scummy tactic that it's absolutely disgusting that this is being done. As you said before, for unsuspecting people this is what is going to lure them into looking at the email and then maybe throwing a few bucks at the campaign. Would love to know the internal data from the Trump campaign and RNC in seeing how effective this actually is.

"Please contribute $30 IMMEDIATELY to claim your FREE 2020 Keep America Great Hat. >>" -- I'm guessing this is the 'order' they're referring too. Because if you DONATE (PAY) then you get a FREE (YOU PAID) hat.

As I said before though, buying email lists and doing all this sort of email spamming is pretty common in political campaigns.
Activity: 3500
Merit: 6320
Crypto Swap Exchange
July 08, 2020, 02:18:59 PM
There was a donor list hack of the GOP back in 2016, and another in 2018 so it might not be the Trumpsteins per say.
That address might be in other lists by now that have then been bought / recycled back into their lists.

Remember, they are out trying to get donations, so they buy a list of known donators.
That list was populated by whoever, that person makes money by selling emails and such.
Where did they get their data from? Oh, look a list of 200,000 donors just sitting out there on some TOR site and I have seen the CSV version pop up on some torrent sites now and then.

It was also being passed around DefCon and some other tech / security conventions.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 08, 2020, 07:50:08 AM
I especially like the 'Order Confirmation' one.  Classic trick against REALLY REALLY stupid people.

"Your Order Will Ship Soon" ugh.... What in gods name was the content of this email? Pretty gross way of confusing regular people into thinking that they bought something from the campaign or from some random store.

I wouldn't say that this is just the Trump campaign doing this, or members of the GOP, I think that this is the norm for most campaigns and people in political positions trying to raise money. Especially on the scale of the President, where you need to raise hundreds of millions of dollars. I'm assuming that the RNC and DNC have to do the same sort of thing.

Not sure on if anyone else uses the "Your Order will Ship Soon" -- or something like this in terms of a very scammy tactic.

I went back to actually look at the mail to make sure it was sent to my Trump-email-only address.  It was.  Below is the text.  It was pure bait-n-switch.  Nothing about 'my order' in the body whatsoever.  What utter slimeballs these people are!

               Trump Pence Make America Great Again
                       YOU’VE BEEN SELECTED!


We have an EXCLUSIVE offer just for YOU.

President Trump chose 50 of his TOP Patriots that he wanted to give one of our
Official 2020 Keep America Great Hats to, and YOU were one of them.

All you have to do is contribute $30 in the NEXT HOUR, and we’ll send you one
of our ICONIC Keep America Great Hats FOR FREE.

This one-time offer is only available to you for ONE HOUR, {first_name}.
After that, we’ll be forced to release your FREE hat to the next Patriot.
Please contribute $30 IMMEDIATELY to claim your FREE 2020 Keep America Great Hat. >>
Keep America Great Hats
         CONTRIBUTE $250
         CONTRIBUTE $100
         CONTRIBUTE $50
         CONTRIBUTE $30

President Trump REALLY wants you to have this hat, {first_name}.

We can only hold it for you for ONE HOUR before we release it to the next Patriot
in line, so DON’T WAIT.

Just contribute $30 NOW and we’ll send you one of our ICONIC 2020 Keep America
Great Hats for FREE.

Thank you,

Team Trump 2020

Some of the lines above seemed to be URL's with unique tracking tokens and what-not.

Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
July 08, 2020, 04:19:03 AM
Here's an update from part way through today:

Trump Leaderboard Your name is MISSING - President Trump needs you.   9:16 am
Eric Trump Your personal 500%-match offer - Don't let the President down.   9:08 am
Donald J. Trump Become a member of the official Trump VIP Club. - There's only one step 7:10 am TODAY ONLY - Trump-Pence 2020 Flags ON SALE.   7:09 am
Eric Trump Win VIP access - You won't get this opportunity again. 5:08 am Stop Leftist Anarchists - Enough is enough.   4:41 am
Trump Flash Sale Order Confirmation # 20xxxx - Your order will ship soon. 3:17 am
Donald J. Trump Reserved for you - Limited-edition PERSONALIZED Trump-Pence 2020 Welco 1:08 am

I especially like the 'Order Confirmation' one.  Classic trick against REALLY REALLY stupid people.

Trump and all his Israel First friends are just trying to suck every resource possible out of the U.S. and the American people before they pull the plug.  Even just a few shekles in contributions.  The Trump organization makes Rev. Jim Baker and the 'Love Gift' Christian evangelical scammers look like saints.  And they are targeting the same pathetic dopes which is fitting.

"Your Order Will Ship Soon" ugh.... What in gods name was the content of this email? Pretty gross way of confusing regular people into thinking that they bought something from the campaign or from some random store.

I wouldn't say that this is just the Trump campaign doing this, or members of the GOP, I think that this is the norm for most campaigns and people in political positions trying to raise money. Especially on the scale of the President, where you need to raise hundreds of millions of dollars. I'm assuming that the RNC and DNC have to do the same sort of thing.

Not sure on if anyone else uses the "Your Order will Ship Soon" -- or something like this in terms of a very scammy tactic.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 08, 2020, 01:29:15 AM
Here's an update from part way through today:

Trump Leaderboard Your name is MISSING - President Trump needs you.   9:16 am
Eric Trump Your personal 500%-match offer - Don't let the President down.   9:08 am
Donald J. Trump Become a member of the official Trump VIP Club. - There's only one step 7:10 am TODAY ONLY - Trump-Pence 2020 Flags ON SALE.   7:09 am
Eric Trump Win VIP access - You won't get this opportunity again. 5:08 am Stop Leftist Anarchists - Enough is enough.   4:41 am
Trump Flash Sale Order Confirmation # 20xxxx - Your order will ship soon. 3:17 am
Donald J. Trump Reserved for you - Limited-edition PERSONALIZED Trump-Pence 2020 Welco 1:08 am

I especially like the 'Order Confirmation' one.  Classic trick against REALLY REALLY stupid people.

Trump and all his Israel First friends are just trying to suck every resource possible out of the U.S. and the American people before they pull the plug.  Even just a few shekles in contributions.  The Trump organization makes Rev. Jim Baker and the 'Love Gift' Christian evangelical scammers look like saints.  And they are targeting the same pathetic dopes which is fitting.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
July 07, 2020, 05:13:32 PM
This was a big deal during the midterm elections when the senate had some competitive races. I remember Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke's race raised record setting numbers, iirc the total money raised during that race was the highest in a senate race ever. They did nothing but spam people's emails begging for money.
IIRC O'Rourke's money was preset in large part. But he also had some interesting and very spammy phone call solicitations, message traffic, yard and car stickers.
Activity: 2828
Merit: 1514
July 07, 2020, 03:30:51 PM
This was a big deal during the midterm elections when the senate had some competitive races. I remember Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke's race raised record setting numbers, iirc the total money raised during that race was the highest in a senate race ever. They did nothing but spam people's emails begging for money.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
July 07, 2020, 03:14:28 PM
Sure it is agitating, but can you blame them? They are being systematically denied access to pretty much every online platform.

Pretty sure all that spam will turn people off though. Alot of people who see it in their inbox will probably mark the sending address as a spammer too which will probably end up hurting them more then helping imo

I got the spam in my inbox again after looking at one of the Trump brothers mails [don't remember if it was Bevis or Butthead].

I promptly reported it as spam and categorized it for Google AI as 'just spam'.  Come to think of it I may have done that a while ago and that could be why Google is 'doing a brother a favor' by shit-canning the disgusting Drumpfstein spam for me.

Actually I did read a couple of these spams for the purposes of system analysis.  I must say that judging from the textural content of these spams, the 'bitter clingers' who still hold out any hope for Trump are truly the bottom-dwellers in American society with respect to apparent intellect.  Thankfully I don't live there any more so their existence is not my problem.  The ones on the Dem side are even worse.  It pains me to say it since it includes some of my most dear family, but 'it is what it is.'

Spam is spam, whether it's "On your political (or whatever)" side or not.

If you doubt this, guess if you respond to it, what's the chance the money goes to Your Favorite instead of a Nigerian spammer?

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 07, 2020, 12:44:50 PM
Sure it is agitating, but can you blame them? They are being systematically denied access to pretty much every online platform.

Pretty sure all that spam will turn people off though. Alot of people who see it in their inbox will probably mark the sending address as a spammer too which will probably end up hurting them more then helping imo

I got the spam in my inbox again after looking at one of the Trump brothers mails [don't remember if it was Bevis or Butthead].

I promptly reported it as spam and categorized it for Google AI as 'just spam'.  Come to think of it I may have done that a while ago and that could be why Google is 'doing a brother a favor' by shit-canning the disgusting Drumpfstein spam for me.

Actually I did read a couple of these spams for the purposes of system analysis.  I must say that judging from the textural content of these spams, the 'bitter clingers' who still hold out any hope for Trump are truly the bottom-dwellers in American society with respect to apparent intellect.  Thankfully I don't live there any more so their existence is not my problem.  The ones on the Dem side are even worse.  It pains me to say it since it includes some of my most dear family, but 'it is what it is.'

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 07, 2020, 10:39:49 AM
Sure it is agitating, but can you blame them? They are being systematically denied access to pretty much every online platform.

So, drop a massive steamer in the one thing you've got left?  Genius!

Activity: 242
Merit: 10
Hi Crypto Friends :)
July 07, 2020, 08:35:14 AM
Sure it is agitating, but can you blame them? They are being systematically denied access to pretty much every online platform.

Pretty sure all that spam will turn people off though. Alot of people who see it in their inbox will probably mark the sending address as a spammer too which will probably end up hurting them more then helping imo
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
July 07, 2020, 08:27:28 AM
Sure it is agitating, but can you blame them? They are being systematically denied access to pretty much every online platform.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
July 07, 2020, 08:00:19 AM
Just FTR, I made a financial contribution to Trump for the 2016 election because I was pissed off at the Dems for gloating over the fact that Hillary was outspending Trump 2-to-1.

Of course I used a special single-purpose e-mail address which I do for most such things so that I could detect who is responsible for further spam.

Mostly it is this clan of Frankist creeps spaming me, but they did give my addy to Gingrich by the looks of things, or they let him use their spam platform...I didn't bother to read the message.  Anyway, here is the spam I've received in just the last 2 days, and we are only half way through the 2nd day!:

Code: National Garden of American Heroes 8:31 AM
Donald Trump Jr. Why are you ignoring my father?  - He's not happy about it. 6:11 AM
Eric Trump Time-sensitive offer - My father is counting on YOU. 3:51 AM
Donald Trump Jr. Florida looks good on you - Win the trip of a lifetime. 1:31 AM
Eric Trump My dad needs you - Time-sensitive offer. Jul 6
Donald J. Trump USA USA USA - Jul 6
Meet President Trump CONFIRMATION # 20xxxx Are you ready to go? Jul 6
Eric Trump Last chance to join - President Trump is counting on you. Jul 6 HUGE Trump 4th of July sale - There's not much time left to shop. Jul 6

Google is automatically filtering these shit-head's messages to spam without my asking.  I don't agree with them for doing this, but I happen to be thankful for it so I'm not complaining.  They sent a recent domain support ticket correspondence to spam as well so we know what to expect in terms of bugs when they run the entire society and cashless monetary system on their AI.  That is, lots of errors and nobody to complain about because, you know, 'the system.'

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