How long does the viewing of advert last, does is require captcha, to move on to the next, how many ads can be viewed in a day, is there a limit.
Do I have to buy in?
I noticed whilst there that malicious adverts pop ups are on, three in the last few minutes.
Saved by my AV, so after writing this don't bother with a reply, when trying to use the tabs on the site more and more pop ups appear, so it not for me.
This website may pay, but not worth it, as computer would probably get infected.
Not willing to take the risk, oh no.
Hi, im the admin of
which AV you are using?
Eset the newest version actually, on virus total is say clean under Eset, but how old is the version that they used?
So as mine is up to date, and does the blocking automatically, I have to trust what it does.
This virus total is not endorsed by anti-virus websites, did you know that.
So my version is completely different to what virus total uses.
Of course they may be false positives.