I am a first year who has problems with attendance, I also have some spare LTC
1 LTC reward for help with my coursework - of course I don't expect the answer but a point in the right direction and/or helpful resources to find the solution. This could even be an ongoing thing.
So here's the question:
http://imgur.com/QnnztcUThe problem i have is deciding whether particle A has potential energy - and how it actually moves when falling ie where is the oscillation
My answer so far would be that
T(a) = 1/2mr2 theta(dot)2 + 1/2 m r(dot)2
And V, its potential is zero.
T(b) = 0 V(b) = -mg(L-r)
I hope this is the right as im not exactly 100% on the question asking for polar coords?
Part b seems alright - just using d/dt(dL/dtheta(dot) = etc
Part c wasnt a problem
But how do i approach part d?
There is also a second question
http://imgur.com/RniiZjuT = 1/2m r(dot)2 + 1/2 m r2 theta(dot)2
Its the same with both linear kinetic energy and rotational energy
V = mgr(sin(omega*t)
And again part b isnt an issue
But part C i am unsure how to start
Part D is just an initial value problem?
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