Not Need To Invest Single Money. Only Spend Your Little Bit Time & Earn Bitcoin.
You should give more details so that people know what it is
I remember having commented on this site, it seems that the site pays people by clicking on the ads that the site makes available every day
for more information visit read pricing package.
Are you new to the ptc world? How long have you known ptc sites?
I will speak for my bitter experience that I have had in the past, I know ptc sites since 2009 I made money with them, it was good money I earned per day, years passed and scammers increased, onbux was founded and deceived people afterwards Came another probux site of big scammers Gustavo Gil and his gang of thieves who came to steal lots of people money
Many other sites came up like paidverts, useclix, trafficmonson they were all a disappointment.
I do not like ptc sites, they are sites that exploit people, you spend time clicking ads and then they do not pay you, many sites ptc are ponzi scheme and are created by great thieves.
Do you remember ptcstair, gokubux and so many other ptc scam? If you remember then I think you should stay away from this site that you posted.
but i didn't invest single money.