I (zoomzoom) am campaign manager, for 4 months. I am to be payed 5 days before end of each month and will distribute payments accordingly, payments are fixed but may change month to month.
Info about the site:It's a faucet,
payouts every 30 seconds,
login using google profile,
average 20 satoshi per claim
and AI based fraud detection
Rules for campaign:Month is from 1st - 1st, payouts on the 1st. 1st day of campaign starts on 1st September 2017
Must be Member +
Level ups only happen at start of new month
Can post anywhere but off-topic or the international boards
All posts must be English language
All posts must be a minimum of 80 characters and must contribute to thread in some way, absolutely no spam
Must make 75 posts during the month
All participants must keep avatar (if full member+) and signature on whilst in campaign.
How to apply:please post:
Profile link:
BTC address:
Current Level:
Current Post count:
Spots and payment info:For first month, payment amount I have been told is in USD so will be converted to BTC at the point of payment (1st of the following month), these are to be considered the minimum payments. I am aware that payouts are expected to increase when revenue becomes apparent.
Member: 1 spots - $23
Full Member: 1 spots - $26
Sr Member: 1 spots - $30
Hero: 1 spots - $32
Legendary: 1 spots - $35
Signatures:Jr Member:[center][url=https://earnfreecoin.com/?r=23517]⟶⟶⟶ EarnFreeCoins - High Paying Faucet! ⟵⟵⟵- 30 Second timer, 25% referals![/url][/center]
Member[center][url=https://earnfreecoin.com/?r=23517]⟶⟶⟶ EarnFreeCoins - High Paying Faucet! ⟵⟵⟵ - 30 Second timer, 25% referals, AI fraud detection! [/url][/center]
Full Member[color=transparent]████[/color][color=#eb4949]█[/color][color=#e61717]██[/color][color=transparent]█
█[/color][color=#3f219e]█[/color][color=#3e209e]████[/color] [url=https://earnfreecoin.com/?r=23517]⟶⟶⟶ EarnFreeCoins - High Paying Faucet! ⟵⟵⟵ - 30 Second timer, 25% referals, AI fraud detection![/url]
Sr Member+[color=transparent]████[/color][color=#eb4949]█[/color][color=#e61717]██[/color][color=transparent]█
█[/color][color=#3f219e]█[/color][color=#3e209e]████[/color] [size=20pt] [url=https://earnfreecoin.com/?r=23517]⟶⟶⟶ EarnFreeCoins.com - High Paying Faucet! ⟵⟵⟵ - 30 Second timer, 25% referals, AI fraud detection![/url][/size]
Important note: These signatures may and possibly will change, I will send PM out if they do and you must change.
All payments sent from this account: 15nqJ4MYPrXhwYJiptgUgnzpTi68YKhaLG, unless otherwise noted.