Not surprising, specially coming from China itself:
East Asia is the world’s largest cryptocurrency market, accounting for 31% of all cryptocurrency transacted in the last 12 months. East Asia-based addresses have received $107 billion worth of cryptocurrency in the last 12 months, which is 77% more than Western Europe, the second-highest receiving region. Much of this can be attributed to the region’s stranglehold on mining activity. China alone controls 65% of Bitcoin’s global hashrate — the measurement of how much computing power goes toward mining Bitcoin — which means that the majority of all newly-mined Bitcoin starts out at Asia-based addresses, giving the market a massive liquidity boost.
Despite having the highest proportion of domestic activity, East Asia still sends more cryptocurrency to foreign addresses than any other region. Over $50 billion traveled from East Asia addresses to addresses in other regions, compared to just over $38 billion for Western Europe, the region next in terms of value sent out of region. Some of this is undoubtedly related to East Asia’s mining dominance — it makes sense that a significant share of the newly mined cryptocurrency coming from East Asia would go to North America and Western Europe, as these are the next-largest cryptocurrency markets. However, we believe that at least some of this activity represents capital flight from China. I have said, I'm not surprise since
1. China still have the biggest facility of bitcoin miners
2. There are a lot of (professional) traders in East Asian region
3. Wealthy Chinese are using bitcoin and other crypto as a leverage in this pandemic
But it could be 'capital flight' though, and this is the subject that I want members to discuss specially those more knowledgeable in the subject. Yes, the Chinese government as clamping down on it, but crypto are becoming as one of the best assets to somewhat circumvent it.
What are your thoughts?