I found your post to be extremely confusing. Here is the sponsorship deal where we can put a bitcoin image on a lighted solar roadway panel: "$500USD -Your Name on our Parking Lot-
For your donation, we'll engrave your name or the name of your group or business on one of our 396 mounting hole covers. We'll place a photo of it on our website, where it will stay for at least one year and we'll send a photo to you. It will be filmed by the media and seen by visitors. Be part of history in the making!
Estimated delivery: October 2014
172 out of 396 claimed"
So, how visible is this engraving? Driving over clear glass tiles in the daytime you could hardly read your own name on the road. Will the lights help make it more or less easy to identify? Do we get a prime spot in the middle of the lot that gets driven around frequently? This will be there forever only if Solar Roadways is also.
I don't know. What do think: worth a bitcoin to fund it by May 31st?