You may want to take a look at my software, Hash Auger It supports both CPU and Nvidia GPU mining and has a Windows GUI. However, the Quadros may not give you the mining performance you would expect from workstation-class cards regardless of what software you try to use. You didn't mention which type of Quadro cards they are, but nearly every cryptomining review I have seen about the Quadro line has been negative due to disappointing hash rates. If electricity costs are not a concern, then they may be worth trying out as long as the cards are compatible with the Nvidia 9 drivers that most contemporary mining software has been written for.
As for the CPU, you could try to mine one of the Yescrypt variants, Hodl, m7m or some other CPU-only coin instead of Cryptonight to improve your earnings potential. Realistically speaking, however, you probably won't earn more than a dollar a day per CPU (not including electricity costs). Unfortunately, every time a CPU-only coin increases significantly in value, a GPU miner is released, which pretty much kills CPU mining for that coin regardless of how fast the processor is.