But after seeing the huge price drops, two weeks in a row on BFL's product line, the eBay prices for used units haven't really changed much.
All of the gear we're seeing for the near future from BFL, Black Arrow, etc, are starting to push into the 500+ GH/s or 1+ TH/s range, for under $10 pr 1GH/s. Some of these devices are closer to $3 per 1GH/s.
What justifies still paying $50+ for a 333MH/s Block Erupter, or close to $1000 for a 25GH/s BFL (especially when BFL is selling their own 50GH/s unit at that price now).
Why are people paying this?
yes they are out of whack with reality. I saw a 1oz Silver coin you can buy new for $26.00 sell for $135