a. wanted to give slush/stick a chance
b. slush created this thing and slush pool is respected ergo mytrezor wallet ain't gonna disappear (I hope)
c. it's a really cool looking and performing device. and right now it is rare.
d. trezor's recovery words on paper provide offline assurance ala paper wallet
e. works securely on keylogged and hacked computers at say internet cafes or your grandma's house
f. trezor software is open source
Right now, trezor only works at mytrezor.com's wallet. I'd rather have it integrated with my imac's bitcoin-qt. Dunno if any wallet developer will spend time doing the integration with trezor device without bitcoin compensation or something more than free trezors. It's gonna be a long wait.
I'd pay plenty extra if a password manager like 1password put in trezor integration for initial login or encryption/decryption.