Tough luck for someone double spending by accident; a field day for an adversary that attempts a double spend on purpose and has a botnet at their disposal. And that's ignoring the question of resolving conflicting transactions as mentioned above.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by the botnet comment? In bitcoin, the winner of the race to claim the funds would be the person who paid the highest fee; on average this means the funds will get burnt as transaction fees
I mean that in the scenario as described above -- no miners, the only collateral being the amount that is being spent -- an adversary would use botnets, virtual machines or whatever other resources they have at their disposal to get the transaction they are trying to force to get seen by as many nodes as possible. A user creating a double spend by accident, would likely take no such measures.
Note that with Bitcoin in its current state a high transaction fee does not
guarantee precedence over other transactions. If
both transactions that are part of a double spend attack have a reasonable high fee attached it doesn't make much of a difference whether you paid 100 sats per byte or 1000 sats.
Ignoring how Bitcoin works today, let's assume we have a system where highest fee always takes precedence.
How does a node know that it sees the transaction with the highest fee? Different nodes see a different subset of transactions. In Bitcoin that's their respective mempools. The blockchain exists to normalize these transactions across all nodes. In the system as described above each node would have their own version of history.
But let's go further. Let's say a node knows that the transaction it sees has to be the one with the highest fees because it burns all its outputs. What happens to the transactions that spend those inputs? Say someone makes a double spend using an address from 2-3 years ago. Those coins have been in circulation for quite a while now and fractions of this transaction have found their way into many people's wallets. Now suddenly these coins are burned and all these uninvolved parties lose their coins. Effectively the whole transaction history needs to be rewritten at the snap of a finger. And you'll never know when it hits you.
Immutability is one of the core value propositions of blockchains. A system as described above, would completely rid a cryptocurrency of this property.
As for resolving conflicting transactions, I can't think of an example of a conflicting transaction that isn't a double spend?
I was indeed referring to double spends as conflicting transactions. What I was missing was the strategy how they are handled
besides exposing the private key -- exposing the private key being only the first step. Now I see that the implicit assumption was that exposing the private key would automatically burn the coins in question by means of transaction fees. For a more detailed comment on this approach, see above.
That being said, keep in mind that miners fulfill another function besides securing the network against double spend attacks -- currency issuance. If you reduce the transaction history to a DAG without PoW, all you're left with is a central entity issuing all currency.