We will provide you a full shopping cart website.
Including domain name (Provided the domain name is not taken.
This will include UNLIMITED HOSTING space, and BANDWIDTH so you dont have to worry about hosting.
(Note: Hosting is subject to NUMBER of FILES instead of based on hosting space. File is up to 200,000 files.
This does not include logo design and banner loading or helping to input the product.
Hosting is paid on a yearly basis of $240 a year
What is included after purchase
1) Online guide on how to use the shopping cart
2) Default logos provide, which you can self edit
3) 10 Stock photos which you can choose any on
https://www.dollarphotoclub.com/4) Your own shopping cart website using opencart
5) Domain name and hosting for website
6) Website is also mobile friendly
Example websites:
Offer can be purchased as well on:
https://cryptothrift.com/auctions/web-development/ecommerce-website-158592/and hosting package details is on
http://newwavehost.com/cloud-hosting/enterprise/BTC Accepted
Costing $450