1.Buy local and Encourage others to buy and support local products.
2.citizens should not use the high price of foreign products to affect locally manufactured products
3.products manufactured locally should be sold at affordable prices e.g palm oil, Garri, local rice, fish, onions, tomatoes, corn cassava wheat etc.
4. Support others in learning what will be beneficial to and their family
What are your input on roles of citizens in this Economical situation
Okay, let me use the scenario of a driver and passengers to explain the true situation we're facing in the country, so we can understand who needs to solve our problems as Nigerians. This will also show that the bulk of the responsibility lies with our leaders and not just the citizens. Imagine a scenario where you have a driver and passengers. The driver controls the steering, direction, and speed of the vehicle, while the passengers rely on the driver to transport them to their destinations.
Now, if the driver lacks adequate knowledge or chooses not to use the right knowledge to navigate the vehicle in the correct direction, how can the passengers reach their destination? This is the role of leadership in every society. Our leaders are like our drivers, they have the power, knowledge, and tools to drive our economy. If our leaders fail to take the necessary steps to address issues and stabilize the country, we cannot expect stability from the citizens alone. Most of the time, citizens are like passengers and they rely on the decisions and actions of their leaders.
Our leaders must take the right steps and decisions to solve our problems. For example, some public analysts have suggested price controls on commodities sold in the country. However, how can there be price control when the government fails to alleviate the effects of hardships and price hikes on imports and transportation? These issues are interconnected. When transportation costs increase, marketers or product owners have no choice but to raise their prices to make a profit, however small.
It's only the government that can address inflation and price hikes especially in fuels used for transportation and agricultural inputs needed by farmers for increased production. Unfortunately, we find ourselves in a country where leaders operate on a trial-and-error model, which hasn't yielded the desired results for our nation.