So from what i've read, we should be safe in the legacy chain, in case JarzikCoin is forked in october-november, it will get destroyed by legacy chain whales, because we got the biggest whales ready to kick forker ass.
You really think that people will be selling "Segwit2xcoin" and buying "BitcoinCoreCoin" ? Even when there is 85% miner support for "Segwit2Xcoin" and UASF seemed to be popular with users? I.e. your prediction is that "BitcoinCoreCoin" will be worth more than "Segwit2xcoin" when they start trading?
That would be interesting - say there was any premium then 85% of the miners would be losing money by mining Segwit2xcoin - and $25k a block even a small percentage premium on BitcoinCoreCoin could lead many to switch back to BitcoinCoreCoin.
The thing is that for Bitcoin investors you can just sit and wait - you do not really care which coin comes out on top - or if they both go well. Just so long as the sum of the 2 remains as before.
But for miners they have to decide - they can only mine one coin. And since both will have the same difficulty for 2016 blocks that decision will be based on price and their own interpretation of the best thing to do.
What you have to remember is that BitcoinCore can release a patch that allows 2meg blocks just after the hardfork and in effect take back control of the release process - obviously would have to be able to swallow their pride to do that! As people can then just install that and will be on the Segwit2x chain.