it isnt that people wont buy.. it is pressures. The world isnt black and white or off and on.
and yall even suggest you know this to be true.
People will spend something, even if it will be worth more in the future, if their need for goods in the present surpasses the perceived future benefit of holding onto said coins.
right, and what is it like in an inflationary market, where your dollars are worth less in the future.. how does that equation above(and yes it is one) change.
as for computers and cell phones.. first you have to look at the rates of deflation. SHow me a single solitary computer device, that was cost 1/3 of what it cost one month ago. There are pressures to not buy and wait, but you have to look at the rates of deflation and then go back up to that equation I quoted. If computers went down by 66% a month, no one would buy their kids a school computer until the first month of school.
you cant compare the price deflation of computers and cell phones with the massive price inflation we have seen with BTC.
Not disagreeing with all yalls points, but come on, there is a huge difference between the spikes we have seen and normal price deflation in the markets that happen in scales of years. Thats like saying just cause I poured a cup of water on your head and nothing bad happened, that I can dump 50,000 gallons on your head and you will be ok as well.