Bitcoin is not a valid answer to governments stealing via taxes. Here's why:
1. Government money can be printed and issued as a guaranteed minimum income (GMI).
Of course, anyone can print some sort of money.
2. The only advantage Bitcoin offers to general users is anonymity, which most people don't care about.
meh, anonymity is not the primary attribute of bitcoin. I don't care much about it.
3. Since governments already provide a limited GMI, obviously most people would still rather support government currencies than use Bitcoin.
The way forward is to invent a currency that provides a GMI to every user. The main problem to be solved is how to avoid individuals claiming more than once while preserving anonymity.
My attempt:
A network like antsp2p could store a profile of each user. The profile would be a log of behaviour which benefits the system, like time spent running the network software. A chain of encrypted ip addresses would preserve identity across physical interfaces.
Bitcoin addresses can be registered for easy tax assessment and issuance of GMI.
The user could start with a paltry guaranteed income and be awarded more as their profile logs activities which are beneficial to the system such as mining and using bitcoins and running the software. But to prevent duplicates the profile would need to take a long time to develop, a period of years. It would also make losing the profile password or identity theft a total disaster.
Alternatively, could we give the income to machines instead of humans? Running the software for 13 hours a day would prove a single nic does not have more than one profile. Problem is that an individual can have more than one ip or always share their ip. The cost of ip addresses would increase as individuals start buying them up. Not really what we want.
I'm not sure how this reward in income is any better than the distribution of bitcoin blocks and transaction fees. If your talking about a welfare system based on bitcoins, just think about all the money that won't be going to banksters sitting by the pool collecting dividend checks and having lunch with lobbyists. It's the people that actually do the work that get paid.
Any ideas? The anonymity is important because it let's users avoid tax.
I wasted all this time responding to an obvious troll. Kudos!