Or you know leave Gadaffi in power in Libya instead of creating a travel vacumn for people to cross over in the first place.
Sigh at this rate may as well just put in some powerful puppets to reign over that area and arm the empire against the infidels.
(aka crusade revival)
That said once they leave the Eurozone the immigration will decrease and they will get less mitigating effects so Brexit is good for them in that sense, could also be more selective in picking their labor for farmwork etc.
I am not a big fan of Gaddafi, but the fact remains that he was the one who prevented the unwashed hordes from the Sub-Saharan from crossing over to the European Union. Overthrowing him was a strategic mistake from the part of the NATO alliance.
The bad thing about Gaddafi was he was actually a more benevolent dictator than most dciktators out there. Who tf provides education and internet to people? That's a recipe for disaster if you are a dictator since you would want your people to be mostly ignorant of what's happening outside.
Sure he might have also committed atrocities against his own people but he is war more benign, than say, Saddam Hussein. I mean, I don't remember Gaddafi invading other countries. Just like he said, Europe would be conquered with wombs when he goes down.
Curiously, the country that sparked the Arab Spring, Tunisia, seem to be doing better now than those countries that followed...