The most interesting alternative theory I have come across is the Electric Universe or EU by the Thunderbolts Project, it turns the Big Bang cosmology completely on its head with very compelling evidence. It postulates that or Sun and other cosmological phenomena are electrically driven as opposed to thermonuclear, without black holes, dark matter and dark energy.
Their models though requiring further research are far more logical and self evident then the traditional ones, a great case in point is the rosetta mission which while remarkable in accomplishment to land a craft on an asteroid is certainly not a body comprised mainly of ice but rather rocky material.
If correct the EU would suggest massive inexhaustible electrical potential to be harvested without the need for nuclear, bio or fossil fuels. The way I like to picture it is the earth sun moon and stars are massive electric motors But so as not to steal the EU's thunder here are a few good podcasts to watch.
Wal Thornhill: Breaking News | EU Workshop Thornhill and David Talbott on Rosetta | Space News - Mission Update | The Rocky Comet - Mission Update | Comets May Not Be What We Thought - Mission Update | Oops! No Water on Comet 67P? - Mission Update | Rubble on 67P Defies Current Comet Theory - IF? Asking the Dangerous Questions with Tom Wilson - IF? Asking the Dangerous Questions | Following the Evidence - Scott: Modeling Birkeland Currents, Part 1 | EU Workshop - Scott: Modeling Birkeland Currents, Part 2 | EU Workshop - Thornhill: An Electric Cosmology for the 21st Century | EU Workshop - on an Alien Sky | When Planets Were the Gods - on an Alien Sky | The Acid Tests of a Reconstruction - are plenty more on their ThunderboltsProject channel -