And it seems there is a new pull request they are going to add the latest python version.
Your only option if you stay want to use Electrum then use the older version just like what I said above or try to contact or raise your issue on the Electrum Github page.
Or your last hope upgrades your OS to at least Windows 8 or 10.
Well as long 4.1.5 works and is accepted by the network i will just use it further. I hope that this pull request solves the problem sooner than later that i i finally can update to the newest version and be happy. Instead of fearing to be left out.
The programm cant start because api-ms-win-core-path-I1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer.
try reinstalling to fix this problem.
I checked the electrum folder after installing 4.2.0 agian the missing python39.dll was indeed in the folder.
It's a built-in tool in Windows that uses 'Windows Update' to fix/replace corrupted system files, you don't have to download anything with your browser.
Specifically, this command:
Or refer to the link in my previous post for the usage and other info.
Since the windows update forced windows 10 installation i dont trust windows update at all and i wont use an official program that depends on it.
Standalone version tested. I too am user of 4.1.5.
Now it is requiring NT files. Windows 7 latest service pack is NT Windows is Windows 8. New build of Electrum requires windows 8.
Now it requires phyton 39, which is not compatible with windows 7.
OK, so it seems that even the Universal C Runtime update will not fix this problem anymore.
But this issue should only be affecting the portable binary and installer, because these are built using pyinstaller which appears to be pulling in Python 3.9.
However, it should still be possible to run Electrum from source after downloading and installing an older version of Python manually (The electrum codebase itself still seems to require Python 3.8, but maybe this is not for long). I might fork the Electrum project to maintain the Python 3.8 dependency if this requirement does go up to 3.9 in the future.
So anyway, after you install Python 3.8 manually, you clone the project form Github and then run:
pip install pyqt5 # On Windows, you might have to install qt5 libraries from first.
./run_electrum # or just 'electrum'
This will open up the Electrum GUI wallet as usual.
(This is not actually my wallet, I just imported a random address from for demonstration purposes.)
Thank you very much for this detailed inside look/information and you are indeed correct, installing the old version which i luckily saved made my wallet work again.
That clone thing is way to high for me to execute and as i know myself i would mostly fuck it up