electrum's been stolen a few times. the litecoin version isn't endorsed by them either.
As it says in their statement:
We have never enforced our trademark against altcoin versions of
Electrum (such as Litecoin, etc), because we consider that users of
these altcoins are well aware of the distinction between Bitcoin and
their coin, and that they cannot be harmed by that confusion. However,
we do not agree with the use of the Electrum name in the context of a
Bitcoin fork, because it suggests that we endorse that fork, and that
we also endorse that wallet.
It's plain disrespectful for "Electrum Cash" to know about Electrum's objection and choose to still push the boundaries with "Electron Cash" instead of just admitting to being a new wallet.
I think this is the latest release of Electrum. Its is now called
"Electron Cash""Electron Cash" is a fork of Electrum for Bitcoin Cash. Electron Cash
is not endorsed by Electrum. It is open source, and binaries
(executables files) are available for Windows, OSX and
Android. However, when you run binaries instead of source code, you
have no guarantee that they match the source code. This is why wallet
binaries are usually signed by developers. A digital signature engages
the responsability of the person who signs.
The person who distributes the Electron Cash binaries has decided to
remain anonymous, and uses the fake name "Jonald Fyookball" in order
to sign Electron Cash binaries. Thus, if these binaries contain code
that is designed to steal your bitcoins, the author of the theft will
be anonymous and walk away safely with your funds.
https://electrum.org/bcc2.txtAgain, just be careful guys. I'm using Electrum as well but I haven't done the steps that have been outline. I'm staying cautious and careful because in an instant, our bitcoin could be gone forever. I will look at the instructions below later but I don't want to risk just to get "free" coins but lose our precious bitcoin.
Therefore, users who want to run the Electron Cash binaries should do
it on a separate same machine, that does not have their Bitcoin
wallet. We recommend to proceed as follows:
1. Install Electron Cash on a machine that does not have your
Electrum wallets.
2. Wait until the BCC hard fork has taken place, and a few BCC blocks
have been mined.
3. Move all your Electrum funds to a new Electrum wallet. This will
move only your BTC, and not your BCC, because the BCC blockchain has
replay protection. Wait until the transaction is confirmed.
4. Enter the seed of your (now empty) old wallet or private keys in
Electron Cash. Since the BTC have been moved to a new wallet,
entering your old seed in Electron Cash will not put your BTC funds
at risk.
Following these 4 easy steps you will be able to access your BCC
without compromising your BTC.