Hi all,
I've just set up an Electrum Cold Storage and it has worked well on my first transfer. But I do have a few questions:
1. How can I create a QR code from my etherium cold storage, in order to make it easier to send funds to it?
If you go to wallet>master public key then when you use it with a watch only wallet, you can get the addresses from that on an online wallet.
2. Can I create a watching only wallet on the android app?
Yes, you can use your public key or specific addresses in the watching only wallet on the android app (I think it's the middle option on startup of the app).
3. Is there any issue sending funds to my etherium offline wallet, without actually having access to it, or without having a PC with my watching wallet with me?
Generally, on an online computer. You set up a watch only wallet.
You create a transaction and export it to a file.
You can then put the file on a USB stick, put it into the offline computer and import the transaction. Then clicking to "Sign" the transaction.
Then, back on the online computer, you can broadcast this transaction, reloading the signed address.
4. Can I be certain that the receiving key in my offline wallet will not change. I notice that in my offline wallet, there is an option to view and edit a list of keys. How can I be sure, when I'm away from my wallet, and can't double check the keys, that I can deposit into it without issues. Or do I always need to have access to my watching wallet?
Yes, recieving addresses/public keys and private keys are all permenant and the seed will generate them for you as well.