or even if any of them are still active developed or maintained.
Electrum-LTC: https://electrum-ltc.org/
github: https://github.com/pooler/electrum-ltc/
Electrum-Dash: https://electrum.dash.org/
github: https://github.com/dashpay/electrum-dash/
Electrum-DOGE: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/anndoge-electrum-doge-lightweight-dogecoin-wallet-893092
github: https://github.com/electrumalt/electrum-doge
electrum-ltc is a legit version of electrum and the repository is maintained and updated. (last commit is 4 days ago) and i am personally using it to hold my litecoins.
Dash repository seems legit too but i am not using it.
Doge sadly is a dead project. not enough interest apparently. but if you want a light Doge wallet there was one that i was using back in the days called MultiDoge which was fork of Multibit
but this also seems to be dead!