The standalone mixer plugin file is now:
The default folder where this is can be dropped (on my Ubuntu system anyway) is:
( though the version number could be different )
Since this ( is now apparently gone from where it was on github (and the version originally published had security issues), has a new version been planned or is one in the works? As I understood it, the SharedCoin mixer operated by was compromised and could no longer be relied upon, and any new or similar implementations by would have needed a security audit, I think. The problems of SharedCoin were described in more detail here: (by K. Atlas)
Currently, there are working CoinJoin implementations: one is currently being actively used and is known as JoinMarket -- | with regularly updated code,
and Javascript module with CoinJoin implementation at last updated Oct. 2014.
(DW utilizes a CoinJoin but is currently in alpha and has last been updated Feb. 2015)
Of these, the JoinMarket is the one that appears to be in most active use.
I am curious you have any plans to redo the utilizing joinmarket or dw's coinjoin.js?
Note / edit: Please see also the post on the electrum plugin in development similar to what you did, at: